-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] IST Mobile and Wireless Summit
workshop announcement
Datum: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 15:20:21 +0200
Von: "Antonio F. Gómez Skarmeta" <skarmeta(a)dif.um.es>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
On Behalf of Enable and Daidalos Project please find enclosed the
workshop announcement;
[ We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies. ]
********* CALL FOR PARTICIPATION *********
********* Research and and Deployment Possibilities *********
********* based on MIPv6 *********
******** Enable and Daidalos Joint* *Workshop ***********
******** within the 16^th IST Mobile and Wireless Comm. Summit *******
* *
* July 5, 2007 *
* Budapest , Hungary *
* *
* http://www.ist-enable.org/index.php?page=enable_daidalos_workshop *
* *
This workshop will be organized by the IST ENABLE project, a Specific
Targeted Research Project funded by EU FP6 program, in collaboration
with the Integrated Project Daidalos. The goal is to provide
researchers, engineers and IT managers with a concentrated day on the
state of the art technologies on mobility along with their security and
applicability aspects.* *The workshop will impart to the participants a
comprehensive knowledge of mobility technologies and their respective
benefits, and inform them about technologies developed within EU
projects. It will focus in particular on the recent developments and
open issues of mobile networking, its evolution to B3G/4G and advanced
mobile network services**
* *
The workshop will include the presentation of the relevant work
performed in FP6 projects and its implication for future research in FP7
with contributions in areas including, but not limited to:
* Security and mobility
* MANET and NEMO networks
* Mobility in B3G scenarios
* New approaches to mobility in Internet
* HA/MSP relocation
* Pre-authentication in Localized / Global Mobility Domain scenarios
* QoS integration in mobility architectures
* Identity management and mobility
* …
The workshop announcement and agenda can be found at
and also http://www.mobilesummit2007.org/workshop_information
We look forward to receiving your registration
http://www.ist-enable.org/index.php?page=enable_daidalos_workshop and
seeing you in Budapest.
regards, Antonio
Antonio F. Gómez Skarmeta
Dept. Ingeniería de la Información y las Comunicaciones
Facultad de Informática
Universidad de Murcia
Apartado 4021
30001 Murcia
Telf: +34-968-364607
fax: +34-968-364151
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: USAB 07 > Graz > Usability & HCI for Medicine & Health Care >
CALL extended to JULY, 9, 2007
Datum: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 14:20:27 +0200
Von: Andreas Holzinger <andreas.holzinger(a)meduni-graz.at>
An: Andreas Holzinger <andreas.holzinger(a)meduni-graz.at>
***** USAB 07 CALL FOR PAPERS (extended to JULY, 9, 2007) ******
<Due to popular request we have extended the deadlines - please accept
our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP>
In order to further promote the collaboration between Psychology and
Computer Science, we are inviting your contribution to the USAB 07.
USAB 2007 - Usability & HCI for Medicine and Health Care
3rd Symposium of the Austrian Computer Society, WG HCI&UE
NOVEMBER 22, 2007, Graz, Austria
Technological performance increases exponentially and Medical
Information Systems and Decision Support Systems are extremely
sophisticated. However, human cognitive performance does not advance at
the same speed. Consequently, the focus on interaction and communication
between human and computer is of increasing importance.
We are seeking high quality papers, which will be reviewed by at least
three independent reviewers. Accepted contributions will be published by
Springer in their series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Suggestions for Tutorials and Workshops are also welcome.
TOPICS include but are not limited to:
* Medical Usability and New Research Methodologies
* Formal Methods and Methodologies
* Human-Computer Interaction in Health Care
* Usability of Medical Information Systems
* Human Aspects of Future Technologies in Health Care
* Semantic Usability in Medicine and Health Care
* Human Language Analysis and Natural Language Processing
* Usability of Ontologies in the Medical Domain
* Usage and Utility of Medical Terminology
* Incident Investigation and Safety Issues for Health Care
* Human Error and System Development
* Usability and Human Aspects of Medical Informatics
* Aspects of Usability in Info Vis for Medicine and Health Care
* Usability Aspects of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
* Usability in Ambient Assisted Living and Life Long Learning
* Cognitive Performance Support (CPS) in Medical Workflows
* Augmented Cognition (AugCog) in Medical Workflows
* Cognitive Workload in Medical Tasks
* Problem Solving Support
* Adaptivity and Usability of Medical Decision Support Systems
* Usability of Mobile Computing in Medicine
* Adaptive User Interfaces for Medical Information Systems
* Simulations in Medicine
* Log File Analysis in Health Care
* User Centered Design & Development in Medicine and Health Care
* Real-Life Usability Testing in the Hospital
* Cognitive Task Analysis
A) Full papers:
9th July Deadline for submission of long papers
1st August End of first review period: notifications
20th August Deadline for revised papers
3rd September End date for final decision as to publication of the
paper, begin sending out notifications of the final decision to the
authors and request to provide the final camera-ready version in the
case of acceptance
17th September ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for the completed camera-ready papers
B) Short papers & posters
1st August Deadline for submission of short papers
20th August End of first review period: notifications
3rd September Deadline for revised papers
10th September End date for final decision as to publication of the
paper, begin sending out notifications of the final decision to the
authors and request to provide the final camera-ready version in the
case of acceptance
17th September ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for the completed camera-ready papers
C) SYMPOSIUM in Graz (Austria)
20th November 2007: Tutorials, Workshops, Workgroup Meetings
21th November 2007: Tutorials, Workshops, Workgroup Meetings
22th November 2007: Symposium
Further information:
For questions please contact:
***** USAB 07 CALL FOR PAPERS (extended to JULY, 9, 2007) ******
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Andreas HOLZINGER, PhD, MSc, MPh, BEng, CEng, DipEd, MBCS
Head Research Unit HCI4MED
Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation (IMI)
Medical University Graz (MUG)
Auenbruggerplatz 2/V, A-8036 Graz (Austria)
Phone: ++43 316 385 3883, Fax: ++43 316 385 3590
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CfP: SLA workshop @ Grid 2007
Datum: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 11:43:14 +0200
Von: Achim Streit <a.streit(a)fz-juelich.de>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
Usage of Service Level Agreements in Grids Workshop
Austin, Texas, USA, September 19, 2007
to be held in conjunction with
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2007)
Austin, Texas, USA, September 19-21, 2007
As the Grid evolves to become an infrastructure for providing and consuming
services in research and commercial environments, mechanisms are needed to agree
on the objectives and the quality of such service provision. This could be
facilitated by means of electronic contracts between service consumers and one
or more service providers, in order to achieve the necessary reliability and
commitment on both sides. Such contracts help to establish a well-defined
relationship between a service provider and a client in the context of a
particular service provision. This is especially important if the services
or resources to be used come from different administrative domains,
or if commercial service provision needs to be supported. Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) are a promising approach to establishing these kinds of
guarantees and relationships. This workshop will provide a forum to present
current research and up-to-date solutions from research and business communities.
Topics of interest for the Usage of Service Level Agreement in Grids workshop
include but are not limited to:
* Areas benefiting from SLAs
* Languages to express SLAs (e.g. SLOs, BLOs, QoS, Guarantees, Penalties)
* Protocols to conclude and negotiate SLAs
* Technologies for management and observation of SLAs
* Static vs. Dynamic SLAs
* Business models & Grid economy
* Validation techniques for SLA parameters
* Comparison and matchmaking of SLA and policy descriptions
* Managing user expectations via SLAs
* Multi-party SLAs and SLA chaining
* SLA-based resource discovery, co-scheduling and resource reservation
* Registry Services and repositories for SLA
* SLA-based trust management including VOs
Accepted papers will be published in the CoreGRID Springer Series. For more
information regarding paper format and style please visit the author's
instruction link at http://www.coregrid.net/mambo/content/view/360/332.
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished
research and recent developments on the topics of interest. Submitted papers
should be formatted according to the CoreGRID Springer style format
(please see http://www.coregrid.net/mambo/content/view/360/332) and should
not exceed 10 pages including figures and references. Papers should be
submitted electronically in PDF format by sending it as an e-mail attachment to
sla-workshop2007(a)fz-juelich.de. All papers will be peer reviewed and
the comments will be provided to the authors.
Submissions due: June 17, 2007
Notifications of acceptance: August 3, 2007
Camera ready version due: August 31, 2007
Workshop: September 19, 2007
Omer Rana, University of Cardiff, UK
Philipp Wieder, Research Centre Juelich, Germany
Ramin Yahyapour, University of Dortmund, Germany
Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer Institute SCAI, Germany
Christiana Amza, University of Toronto, Canada
Francis Brazier, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Wolfgang Gentzsch, D-Grid, Germany
Michael Gerndt, TUM Munich, Germany
Liviu Joita, Cardiff University, UK
Bastian Koller, HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany
Heiko Ludwig, IBM, USA
Toshi Nakata, NEC Research, Japan
Benno Overeinder, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Julian Padget, Bath University, UK
Shamima Paurobally, University of Liverpool, UK
Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK
Amit Sheth, University of Georgia, US
Achim Streit, Research Center Juelich, Germany
Luigi Telesca, Create-Net, Italy
Daniel Veit, University of Mannheim, Germany
Oliver Wäldrich, Fraunhofer Institute SCAI, Germany
Steven Willmott, UPC, Barcelona, Spain
For further information please send an e-mail to sla-workshop2007(a)fz-juelich.de.
Information about registration, accommodation and other relevant information
regarding the Grid 2007 conference can be found at http://www.grid2007.org/.
Dr. Achim Streit
Zentralinstitut fuer Angewandte Mathematik
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
D-52425 Juelich
Email: A.Streit(a)fz-juelich.de
Skype: a.streit
Phone: +49 2461 61-6576
Fax: +49 2461 61-6656
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Call for papers: Workshop on Grid
Datum: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 14:50:48 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Nemeth Zsolt <zsnemeth(a)sztaki.hu>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Referenzen: <010301c7a402$0744aea0$4b07b69e@cs7075>
IEEE ICCP 2007 - Workshop on Grid Computing (WGC)
CLUJ-NAPOCA, Romania, September 6-8, 2007
Dear Colleague,
You are cordially invited to attend the Workshop on Grid
Computing, part of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on
Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing to be held
September 6-8, 2007 at the Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca in Romania and to submit papers.
Aims and Scope
The workshop aims to bring together computer scientists, and
experts who are working in the field of grid computing. The
workshop consists of invited papers from internationally
recognized experts presented in a half day session.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
Global computing infrastructures and high performance computing
Architectures and technologies
Programming models and tools
Middleware and portals
Open GRID services architecture
Initiatives, standards and research projects
Application development methodologies
Deployment and maintenance of production infrastructures
Digital content management and digital libraries
Environment information processing
Bio-chemical applications
Particle and high-energy physics
Drug and medical research
Graphics modeling and visualization
Virtual reality
Image processing
Spatial data modeling and processing
Satellite image processing
Geographical information systems
Location based services
Paper Submission and Publication
Papers should not exceed 6 pages and should comply with IEEE
formatting (8.5"x11", two-column). The conference organizers
reserve the right to reject submissions that exceed 6 pages
or do not make a reasonable attempt to adhere to the
proceedings format.
Authors are invited to submit papers written in English. All
submissions will be reviewed based on originality,
significance, quality and clarity. Selected papers will be
considered for a special issue of the ACAM Scientific
Journal. Papers should not exceed 6 pages and should comply
with the IEEE formatting (8.5''x11'', two-column).
Submissions should be sent to wgc(a)conference.utcluj.ro in
Portable Document Format (PDF) no later than June 15, 2007.
Authors acknowledge that no paper of substantially similar
content has been or will be submitted to another conference
or workshop during the WGC review period.
The detailed information on the paper format is available
from the ICCP 2007 page: http://cs-gw.utcluj.ro/~iccp07
Important Dates
Submission of papers: 15 June, 2007
Notification of acceptance: 30 June, 2007
Camera-ready papers due: 7 July, 2007
Author registration due: 7 July, 2007
Workshop on Grid Computing: 6 September, 2007
Dorian Gorgan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO
E-mail: dorian.gorgan(a)cs.utcluj.ro
Rodica Potolea, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,RO
E-mail: rodica.potolea(a)cs.utcluj.ro
Gheorghe Sebestyen, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO
E-mail: gheorghe.sebestyen(a)cs.utcluj.ro
Program Committee
Emanouil Atanassov, Institute for Parallel Processing, BG
Doina Banciu, National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, RO
Emil Cebuc, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO
Dorian Gorgan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO
Robert Lovas, SZTAKI, HU
Gabriel Neagu, National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, RO
Sergiu Nedevschi, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO
Zsolt Nemeth, SZTAKI, HU
Rodica Potolea, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO
Gheorghe Sebestyen, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO
Alin Suciu, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO
Gabor Terstyanszky, Wesminster University, UK
For information regarding the workshop, please contact us at wgc(a)conference.utcluj.ro.
The WGC workshop will be hosted by the Technical University
of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Computer Science.
Conference Chair Prof.PhD.Eng. Sergiu Nedevschi
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Final Call For Papers - ACM GIS 2007
Datum: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:52:30 -0400
Von: (David) Jing Dai <daij(a)vt.edu>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
15th ACM International Symposium on
Advances in Geographic Information Systems
(ACM GIS 2007)
Call for Papers
November 7-9, 2007
Seattle, Washington, USA
In cooperation with ACM SIGMETRICS
Corporate Sponsorship by Microsoft
The ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information
Systems in 2007 (ACM GIS 2007) is the fifteenth event of a series of
symposia and workshops that began in 1993 with the aim of bringing
together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners carrying
out research and development in novel systems based on geo-spatial
data and knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary discussions and
research in all aspects of geographic information systems. The
symposium provides a forum for original research contributions
covering all conceptual, design, and implementation aspects of GIS
and ranging from applications, user interface considerations, and
visualization down to storage management and indexing issues. This
year, a novelty is that ACM GIS has separated from its long-time host
conference in order to become independent and more visible to the GIS
community, further expand the spectrum of research topics covered by
the symposium, and grow over the next years.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Modeling and Querying
* Constraint approach for spatial databases
* Spatial data quality
* Image Databases
* Integration and management of raster and vector data
* Spatial and spatio-temporal data modeling
* Spatial and spatio-temporal data mining and knowledge discovery
* Spatial and spatio-temporal predicates
* Spatial and spatio-temporal query languages
* Spatial and spatio-temporal reasoning
* Spatial and spatio-temporal uncertainty, vagueness, and fuzziness
* Visual query languages
* Spatial and spatio-temporal visualization and analysis
* 3D spatial modeling
Systems and Implementation
* Computational geometry
* Geospatial data integration
* Geospatial data versioning
* Interoperability and standards
* Large-scale GIS servers and parallel GIS
* Middleware architectures
* Multiple representations in spatial databases
* Performance metrics and issues
* Query processing
* Spatial data warehousing and decision support
* Spatial query processing and optimization
* Spatial, spatio-temporal, and multidimensional access methods
* Spatial data mining
* Stream processing
Applications like
* Earth observation
* Geosensor networks
* Geovisualization
* Image databases
* Location-based services
* Mobile and distributed geographic computing and information services
* Novel and challenging applications
* Photogrammetry
* Real-time applications
* Risk prevention
* Spatial and spatio-temporal Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
* Traffic telematics
* Transportation
* Urban and environmental planning
* Web applications
* Wireless networks
Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research
papers that are not being considered for publication in any other
forum. Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted
using the ACM camera-ready templates available at
Papers cannot exceed 8 pages in length. In addition to the regular
full-length papers, the Program Committee may accept some as poster
papers which may be requested to be shortened. All submitted papers
will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the
Program Committee. The acceptance/rejection of the papers will be
based on the review results. All questions should be addressed to the
Program Committee Chair. One author per paper is required to register
and attend the conference to present the paper if accepted for
Submissions to the conference will be electronically and online only.
Authors are asked to submit an Abstract first, and then to upload the
full paper in PDF file format. The online submission system will be
available from April 30, 2007.
Abstract Submission: June 11, 2007
Full Paper Submission: June 18, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: August 11, 2007
Camera Ready Copy: August 31, 2007
Symposium Date: November 7-9, 2007
General Chairs: Hanan Samet, University of Maryland, USA
Cyrus Shahabi,
University of Southern California, USA
Program Chair: Markus Schneider, University of Florida, USA
Local Arrangements Kentaro Toyama, Microsoft Research, India
Chairs: Pusheng Zhang, Microsoft Research, USA
Treasurer: Yan Huang, University of North Texas, USA
Publicity Chair: Chang-Tien Lu, Virginia Tech, USA
Proceedings Chair: Alejandro Pauly, University of Florida, USA
Poster Chair: Jagan Sankaranarayanan, University of Maryland, USA
Program Committee:
Peggy Agouris, George Mason University, USA
Houman Alborzi, Google, USA
Luc Anselin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Walid Aref, Purdue University, USA
Lars Arge, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA
Michela Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland
Thomas Brinkhoff, Oldenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Christophe Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
Eliseo Clementini, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Isabel Cruz, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Leila De Floriani, Universita di Genova, Italy
Matt Duckham, University of Melbourne, Australia
Peter Fisher, City University of London, UK
Andrew Frank, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma, USA
Ralf H. Gueting, FernUniversitaet Hagen, Germany
Stephen Hirtle, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Erik Hoel, ESRI, USA
Yan Huang, University of North Texas, USA
Edwin Jacox, National Institutes of Health, USA
Christian Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Christopher Jones, Cardiff University, UK
Craig Knoblock, University of Southern California, USA
Marc van Kreveld, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Robert Laurini, National Institute for Applied Sciences, France
Scott Leutenegger, University of Denver, USA
Ki-Joune Li, Pusan National University, South Korea
Mario Lopez, University of Denver, USA
Chang-Tien Lu, Virginia Tech, USA
Nikos Mamoulis, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mohamed Mokbel, University of Minnesota, USA
Richard Muntz, UCLA, USA
Brad Nickerson, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Eyal Ofek, Microsoft Research, USA
Beng Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Peter van Oosterom, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dimitris Papadias, HKUST, Hong Kong
Alejandro Pauly, University of Florida, USA
Dieter Pfoser, CTI, Hellas
Sunil Prabhakar, Purdue University, USA
Philippe Rigaux, University of Paris-Dauphine, France
Alan Saalfeld, Ohio State University, USA
Jayant Sharma, Oracle Corporation, USA
Timos Sellis, National Technical University of Athens, Hellas
Shashi Shekhar, University of Minnesota, USA
Emmanuel Stefanakis, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
Egemen Tanin, University of Melbourne, Australia
Kentaro Toyama, Microsoft Research, India
Vassilis Tsotras, University of California-Riverside, USA
E. Lynn Usery, U.S. Geological Survey, USA
Agn? Voisard, Fraunhofer ISST and FU Berlin, Germany
Peter Widmayer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Stephan Winter, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Michael Worboys, University of Maine, USA
May Yuan, University of Oklahoma, USA
Donghui Zhang, Northeastern University, USA
Pusheng Zhang, Microsoft Corporation, USA
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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: The 2007 International Symposium
on Technologies and Applications of Radio Frequency Identification
(TARFID 2007)
Datum: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 10:33:54 +0800
Von: Agustinus Borgy Waluyo <abwaluyo(a)gmail.com>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Referenzen: <7a0970fb0706121931v52a76e21vc419f0471c1bc04f(a)mail.gmail.com>
======== Call for Papers ===================
The 2007 International Symposium on Technologies and Applications of
Radio Frequency Identification (TARFID 2007)
In Conjunction with The 2007 International Conference on Intelligent
Pervasive Computing (IPC-07) October 11th - 13th, 2007, Jeju Island,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has recently gained a
significant momentum and is emerging as one of the major technology
for revolutionizing a wide range of large-scale distributed
information systems and applications including supply chain
management, defence, aerospace, anti-counterfeiting, baggage handling,
healthcare and pharmaceuticals. While RFID provides promising
benefits, some significant challenges need to be overcome before these
benefits can be fully realized. Accepted papers will be included in
the IEEEXplore(r)
This symposium aims to serve as a forum for researchers,
practitioners, and users to exchange new ideas, developments, and
experience on RFID related issues addressing technologies, systems,
networks, algorithms, and applications that support the development
and adoption of RF-based wireless communications and identification
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
Transportation and Logistics
Defense and aerospace
Operating systems and middleware support
RFID Standards
Data Management Issues in RFID Applications
Wireless communication and networking
Privacy, Security and Authentication
RFID and Sensor Networks
Performance Evaluation
Social Implications of RFID
Paper Submission
Submit a full paper not exceed 6 pages (IEEE Computer Society
Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced), including
figures and references, using 10 fonts, and number each page. You can
confirm the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines at the
following web page: URL: http://computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm
TARFID 2007's submission web site :
Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting
the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance.
The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press with
6 pages for each paper. Authors of accepted papers, or at least one of
them, are requested to register and present their work at the
conference, otherwise their papers will be removed from the digital
library after the conference.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: June 25, 2007 (final deadline)
Acceptance Notification: July 16, 2007
Camera Ready Due: July 24, 2007 (there will be no extension)
Conference Dates: October 11 ~ 13, 2007
Organizing Committee
General Chair :
Jemal H. Abawajy, Deakin University, Australia
General Co-Chair :
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Steering Committee Chair :
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Steering Committee :
Tai-hoon Kim, Hannam University, Korea
Jemal H. Abawajy, Deakin University, Australia
Jong Hyuk Park, Hanwha S&C Co., Ltd., Korea
Saeid Nahavandi, Australia
Program Chair :
Sajid Hussain, Acadia University, Canada
Program Co-Chairs :
Agustinus B. Waluyo, I2R, Singapore
Zhiwen Yu, Kyoto University, Japan
Mustafa Mat Deris, Malysia
Program Committee:
Xiao Wendong, I2R, Singapore
Dong Liang, I2R, Singapore
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Mieso Denko, University of Guelph, Canada
Nasrin Rahmati, Monash University, Australia
Paolo Bellavista, Universita degli Studi di Bologna
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: EMCSR 2008: Preliminary Program and Call for Papers
Datum: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:58:01 +0200
Von: OFAI Information Server <ofaiinf(a)ofai.at>
An: undisclosed-recipients:;
(apologies for multiple copies)
(EMCSR 2008)
March 25 - 28, 2008
organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
in cooperation with the
Institute of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence,
Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna
and the
International Federation for Systems Research
* * * * *
An electronic version of this CfP (and further information
whenever it becomes available) can be found at
* * * * *
The international support of the European Meetings on Cybernetics
and Systems Research held in Austria in 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978,
1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000,
2002, 2004 and 2006 (when 500 scientists from more than 40
countries from all continents, except the Antarctica, met to
present, hear and discuss 137 papers) encouraged the Council
of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies (OSGK) to organize
a similar meeting in 2008 to keep pace with continued rapid
developments in related fields.
* * * * *
A Systems Science
R.Belohlavek, USA, and P.Prautsch, Czech Republic
B Mathematical Methods in Cybernetics and Systems Theory
Y.Rav, France, and J.Scharinger, Austria
C The Cybernetics of Cybernetics: Cybernetics, Interaction
and Conversation
R.Glanville, UK
D Living Systems Theory
G.A.Swanson, USA
E Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology
L.M.Ricciardi, Italy
F Cultural Systems
M.Fischer, UK, and D.Read, USA
G Cognitive Rationality, Relativity and Clarity
I.Ezhkova, Belgium
H Management, Organizational Change, and Innovation
M.Mulej, Slovenia
I Socio-technical Systems: Design and Use
G.Chroust, Austria, and S.Payr, Austria
J Neural Computation and Neuroinformatics
G.Dorffner, Austria
K ACE 2008: Agent Construction and Emotions
J.Gratch, USA, and P.Petta, Austria
L Agent-Based Modeling & Simulation
S.Bandini, Italy, and G.Vizzari, Italy
M Natural Language Processing
E.Buchberger, Austria, and K.Oliva, Czech Republic
N Theory and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
V.Marik, Czech Republic, and O.Stepankova, Czech Republic
O Systems Movement and Systems Organisations -
Challenges, Visions and Roadmaps
G.Chroust, Austria, and M.Mulej, Slovenia
Submission Guidelines
Acceptance of contributions will be determined on the basis of
Draft Final Papers. Each paper must explain clearly
- what problem it is trying to address,
- what has been tried before and why it isn't good enough,
- some proof that your method is sound (or reference to it),
- how it will help others/apply to other problems,
- some results/proof it works.
Draft Final Papers must not exceed 6 pages (10-point,
double column, for style sheet see website), in English. They have
to contain the final text to be submitted, including graphs and
They must carry title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation
(incl. e-mail address) in this order, and must include an
Please specify clearly the symposium you would like to submit
your paper to. Each scientist shall submit only ONE paper.
Authors should submit their manuscripts in electronic form by
email addressed to
Please send your paper as attachment in .PDF format only! Please
use the following subject header for your email: "EM08_letter
of the Symposium you want to submit your paper to _Name of
corresponding author", e.g. "EM08_A_Meyer". This should also be the
filename of the manuscript. Thank you.
Deadline for submission
November 4, 2007
Submissions received after the deadline cannot be considered.
Authors will be notified about acceptance or rejection no later
than December 16, 2007.
Final Papers
Electronic camera-ready copies of the final paper will be due by
January 30, 2008. Acceptance of the final paper will be based on
compliance with the reviewers' comments.
It is understood that each accepted paper is to be presented
personally at the Meeting by one of its authors.
Conference Fee
EUR 250,-- if received before January 30, 2008
EUR 300,-- if received later (only participants without paper
EUR 350,-- if paid at the conference desk (only participants without
paper contribution)
The Final Paper must be accompanied by the payment of the
Conference Fee.
The Conference Fee includes participation in the Nineteenth
European Meeting, attendance at the official reception, coffee
during breaks, and the volumes of the proceedings available at the
Meeting. Please send cheque, or transfer the amount (free of
charges for beneficiary) to the account no. 0026-34400/00 of the
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies at Bank Austria
Creditanstalt, Vienna
bank routing number: 12000,
IBAN: AT11 1100 0002 6344 0000,
Please state your name clearly.
Hotel Accommodation
will be handled by
Friedrichstraße 7
A-1010 Vienna
phone +43-1-58800-514
fax +43-1-58800-520.
The International Federation for Systems Research is willing to
provide a limited number of scholarships covering the registration
fee for the conference for colleagues from weak currency countries.
Applications should be sent to the Conference Secretariat
***before*** November 4, 2007 under all circumstances.
The conference organizers can accept no liability for personal
injuries, or for loss or damage to property belonging to
conference participants, either during or as a result of the
conference. Please check the validity of your personal insurance.
Chairman of the Meeting
Robert Trappl, President
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
I. Ghobrial-Willmann and U. Schulz
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
A-1010 Vienna 1, Freyung 6/6 (Austria)
Phone: +43-1-5336112-60
Fax: +43-1-5336112-77
E-mail: sec(a)ofai.at
Programme Committee
P. Ballonoff (USA) K. Oliva (Czech Republic)
S. Bandini (Italy) S. Payr (Austria)
R. Belohlavek (USA) P. Petta (Austria)
E. Buchberger (Austria) P. Prautsch (Czech Republic)
G. Chroust (Austria) Y. Rav (France)
G. Dorffner (Austria) D. Read (USA)
I. Ezhkova (Belgium) L. M. Ricciardi (Italy)
M. Fischer (UK) J. Scharinger (Austria)
R. Glanville (UK) O. Stepankova (Czech Republic)
J. Gratch (USA) G.A. Swanson (USA)
V. Marik (Czech Republic) R. Trappl (Austria)
M. Mulej (Slovenia) G. Vizzari (Italy)
Organizing Committee
E. Buchberger F. Kintzler
G. Chroust J. Matiasek
I. Ghobrial-Willmann P. Petta
W. Horn U. Schulz
J. Irran R. Trappl
Electronic registration is possible via
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: SOFSEM 2008 - Call For Papers
Datum: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 07:41:27 +0200
Von: sofsem08-noreply <sofsem08-noreply(a)ics.upjs.sk>
An: <sofsem08-noreply(a)ics.upjs.sk>
First Call for Papers
=: SOFSEM 2008 :=
34th International Conference on
Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science
Website: www.sofsem.sk
January 19-25, 2008
Hotel Atrium, Novy Smokovec
High Tatras, Slovakia
Deadline for submissions of abstracts: August 22, 2007
Deadline for submissions of papers: August 28, 2007
Notification of acceptance or rejection: October 26, 2007
Deadline for final versions: November 9, 2007
Symposium: January 20-24, 2008
(Arrival Jan 19, Departure Jan 25)
Program committee chair:
Viliam Geffert, Kosice, Slovakia
Conference tracks:
Foundations of Computer Science
track chair: Juhani Karhumaki, Turku, Finland
Computing by Nature
track chair: Alberto Bertoni, Milano, Italy
Networks, Security and Cryptography
track chair: Bart Preneel, Leuven, Belgium
WEB Technologies
track chair: Pavol Navrat, Bratislava, Slovakia
Student Research Forum
track chair: Maria Bielikova, Bratislava, Slovakia
For more details, e.g.,
* list of topics and profile of the tracks
* list of invited speakers
* Program Committee members
* instructions for authors
* conference location
* how to get there
see our website: www.sofsem.sk
SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is an annual international
conference devoted to the theory and practice of
Computer Science. Its aim is to get together professionals
from academia and industry working in various areas of
Computer Science. Proceedings containing the invited and
contributed papers are planned to be published by
the Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) series.
The program consists of
* a number of Invited Talks,
given by prominent researchers,
* Contributed Talks selected by
the Program Committee from submitted papers,
* Working Sessions discussing work-in-progress,
* and the Student Research Forum.
SOFSEM is organized in parallel tracks giving
a unique opportunity to obtain quickly
a representative overview of the areas that are
selected as the topics of the year. According to
the conference tradition, one of the tracks is
always devoted to Foundations of Computer Science.
SOFSEM provides an ideal framework for discussions
and meetings, establishing personal contacts. In order
to help people socialize and exchange new ideas,
SOFSEM is organized as a single-building-conference.
That is, accommodation for all participants,
full-board meals, together with all lecture rooms
will be in Atrium Hotel, Novy Smokovec, High Tatras,
Slovakia. SOFSEM is especially suited for
young computer scientists.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: ECOM-07 Scientific Conference Call for Papers
Datum: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 02:20:02 +0200 (CEST)
Von: Jacek Wachowicz <jwach(a)zie.pg.gda.pl>
An: jacek.wachowicz(a)zie.pg.gda.pl
= Call for Papers
Ladies & Gentlemen, we are proud and happy to announce the 7th International
Interdisciplinary Conference on Electronic Commerce "ECOM"
The conference is going to take place in the beautiful Polish mountains, as a
part of the International Multiconference on Computer Sciece and Information
Technology - IMCSIT (http://www.imcsit.org).
= Scope of the Conference
We would like to invite original papers on all aspects of electronic commerce
and related issues. The conference is meant to address the academic community
as well as representatives of business, industry, government, and information
technology sector. Thus - apart from research papers - practical presentations
of existing solutions are very welcome, too.
The areas of E-Commerce, E-Governance etc. are interdisciplinary by nature:
they involve people with their background in economy, management, artificial
intelligence, computer science, sociology, psychology, law and so on. We feel
that a meeting of such people may help to cross the boundaries between the
traditional disciplines, but also between the communities of theorists and
practitioners. This can create a better understanding of the mechanisms
underlying electronic markets and organizations.
This year we would like to emphasize as a special track
* Usability in Systems and Applications
The general list of other topics includes (but is not limited to):
* Electronic Markets and Electronic Marketing
* Languages and Models for E-Commerce
* Artificial in E-Commerce
* Electronic Contracting and Legal Aspects of E-Commerce
* Electronic Interaction and Negotiation
* Virtual Enterprises
* Technology and E-Commerce
* Internet Computing and Electronic Commerce
* Social Side of E-Commerce
* Futurology of E-Commerce
You can also have a look at the more detailed list at
http://www.econferences.org/ecom/07/topics.php. Please note that, however long
and detailed, this list is not exhaustive. Interesting papers on related topics
are also welcome.
= Paper Submission and Publication
Papers have to be submitted electronically using Conference Paper Management
System - http://www.submit.imcsit.org. The deadline for paper submission is
June 25th, 2007. Other important dates are:
* Aug 8th, 2007 - notification of acceptance
* Sept 7th, 2007 - final versions due
* Oct 15-17, 2007 - the conference.
The papers should be written in English. Accepted papers will be published in
the conference proceedings as a CD-ROM with ISSN number (1896-7094). The
proceedings will be available at the conference.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] Call for papers -- GPWW2007
Datum: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 20:13:26 +1000
Von: Jinjun Chen <jchen(a)ict.swin.edu.au>
Organisation: "OptimaNumerics"
An: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for Papers
3rd International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer based Workflows (GPWW)
September 24th 2007, Brisbane, Australia
To be held in conjunction with the
5th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2007)
Submission deadline 8 June 2007.
Many e-science and complex e-business applications, such as climate
modelling, astrophysics, high-energy physics, structural biology and
chemistry, medical surgery, international banking, insurance, international
stock market modelling and control, require the creation of a collaborative
workflow management system as part of their sophisticated problem solving
processes in the grid environments. At the same time, since many
e-scientists and business people lack the necessary low-level expertise to
utilize the current generation of Grid toolkits, such as GT4, and the
specified workflow processes themselves can then be reused, shared, adapted
and annotated with interpretations of quality, provenance and security, the
research and development of grid workflow management systems become a must
and have already evoked a high degree of interest. Furthermore, because the
Grid requires a very highly distributed workflow management that can take
advantage of the distributed resources across multi-institutional virtual
organizations, the decentralized grid workflow deployment becomes a further
interesting research area. As such, peer-to-peer based workflow comes into
the picture, which is supposed to provide a kind of decentralized grid
workflow infrastructure to more efficiently support widely spread grid
workflows across the Grid. Given that a lot of valuable work has been done
on business process management, the exploration of whether and how to apply
existing business process technologies into grid workflow process management
is another important focus of this workshop.
The International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer based Workflows was
successfully held in 2005 and 2006, in Melbourne, Australia, and Vienna,
Austria, respectively. This year's workshop will be held in conjunction with
the 5th International Conference on Business Process Management, in
Brisbane, Australia. The objective is to bring together researchers and
practitioners from academia, industry and government to report advances in
grid and peer-to-peer based workflow research. The workshop will cover the
broad spectrum of research relevant to grid and peer-to-peer based
workflows, including, but not limited to, the following:
. E-science, grid and P2P workflow and middleware infrastructure
. Grid workflow API and GUI
. Workflow specification languages targeting grid applications
. Grid workflow execution engines
. Grid services that support workflow execution
. Grid workflow verification and validation
. Semantics based workflow composition and construction
. Workflow and data curation and provenance
. Workflow interoperability
. Agent based workflow
. Formal representation, e-science workflow patterns, and temporal
. Grid workflow system performance analysis
. Specialized tools for managing grid workflow such as exception
. Decentralized grid workflow infrastructure
. Peer-to-peer based workflow management in grid infrastructure
. Non-functional issues, like QoS and security, in peer-to-peer based
. Real world applications of scientific, grid and P2P workflows
. Simulation environments for grid and peer-to-peer workflow
. Application of business process management techniques in grid
Submission Requirements
All contributions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality,
technical quality and relevance to workshop themes. Papers should be no more
than 12 pages and should be formatted in LNCS format (see
www.springer.de/comp/lncs/ authors.html for details). Submitted papers must
be written in English and identify the contribution of the paper. Please
submit your manuscripts to gpww(a)ict.swin.edu.au.
Publication of Papers
All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published in LNCS by the
Springer. The proceedings will be available after the conference in December
of 2007 or January of 2008. Authors of accepted papers must register for the
BPM 2007 conference and attend the workshop to present their papers.
Selected papers will be invited to a special issue in a major international
Important Dates
Deadline for Paper Submission: 8 June 2007
Notification of Acceptance: 13 July 2007
Camera Ready Copies: 3 August 2007
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