-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DEBS'06 - 2nd Call for Papers
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2006 16:39:50 +0100
From: Gero Muehl <gmuehl(a)cs.tu-berlin.de>
Organization: "OptimaNumerics"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Call for papers for the
Fifth International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'06)
July 2-3, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal
Co-located with the 26th International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2006)
Workshop Theme
Event-based systems are those in which information provided by producers is
distributed in a timely manner to interested consumers. Event-systems can be
considered on the middleware level or on the application level. Event-based
applications are often found in streaming systems, surveillance and monitoring
systems, or continuous query systems. Event-based systems can be used to
integrate a wide range of components into a loosely-coupled distributed system:
for example, event producers can be application components, post-commit triggers
in a database, sensors, or system monitors; event consumers can be application
components, device controllers, databases, workflow queues, etc. Event-based
systems are gaining increasingly widespread use, in applications ranging from
time-critical systems, system management and control, to e-commerce.
A common service interface provided by event-based systems is the
publish-subscribe paradigm: producers and consumers can be mutually anonymous,
producers deliver events to topics, each consumer specifies interest by means of
a "subscription", and later receives events of interest via event notifications;
the event-based system is responsible for consolidating subscriptions and
propagating events. Queuing and hybrids of publish-subscribe and queuing are
also popular. Publish-subscribe services have been incorporated into standards
such as CORBA and JMS, and into commercial systems, such as offerings of IBM and
Traditional event-based systems support subscriptions based on topics, or based
on filter predicates on message content; the middleware service delivers copies
of published messages to some subset of all subscribers. An emerging new area of
interest is the extension of these services to include transformation,
aggregation, and correlation of events. For example, a subscription to published
events of stock trades and offers to trade may ask for (a) a continuous running
average of stock trades on IBM; or (b) alerts indicating that more than 100
trades for the same stock issue have been made in the same hour; or (c)
notifications that a request to buy and a request to sell have been made on the
same issue with matching offer price ranges. As with traditional
publish-subscribe, it is still desired that (a) publishers and subscribers
remain anonymous, (b) subscribers are independent and can possibly dynamically
enter and leave, (c) the system should push events from publishers to
subscribers as quickly as possible, and (d) the implementation should scale to
large numbers of clients. Many applications of this nature are built today by
combining publish-subscribe systems with other client-side systems to perform
the additional computation. The interest in these problems overlaps with other
system areas -- specifically streaming systems, continuous query and continuous
view update systems in databases, correlation engines, and system monitoring and
management tools. It is our goal to provide cross-fertilization between
researchers and practitioners in these areas with researchers and practitioners
in traditional event-based middleware.
Aim of the Workshop
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together people from academia and
industry interested in the foundations, implementation, and application of all
aspects of event-based middleware, from traditional topic-based and
content-based publish-subscribe, to event correlation, streaming queries,
mediations, and systems integration. We seek contributions from practitioners in
industry and government, as well as from academic and industrial researchers.
Papers do not have to be based on complete and comprehensive works. In fact, we
welcome position papers, requirements for real-world applications, as well as
papers based on preliminary results, provided that they are forward-looking and
that they remain well-argued and justified in terms of existing work.
Workshop Topics
The goal of this workshop is to share and discuss original and innovative ideas
in the area of event-based systems. Therefore, we invite authors interested in
event-based applications, event-based infrastructures, and event correlation and
transformation to submit a paper to this workshop. Below is a list of possible
topics of interest grouped by areas. (The list should not be seen as
Event-Based Models and Paradigms
* Query/advertise vs. publish/subscribe vs. queuing vs. hybrids
* Event correlation languages
* Streaming/continuous query languages
* Event schemas and type systems
* Supporting XML documents in queries and transforms
* Qualities of Service
* Correctness guarantees
* Security specifications
* Application interfaces
* End-user programming
* Tools for specification and verification
Middleware Infrastructure
* Architectures for distributed event-based infrastructures
* Content-based routing algorithms
* Fast event matching algorithms
* Fault-tolerance, reliability, and recovery
* Performance monitoring and system management of event-based middleware
* Dynamic reconfiguration: load balancing and rebalancing, subscription
* Implementing streaming queries, transforms, or event correlation engines
* Consolidating subscriptions, rules, streaming queries
* Performance evaluation of event-based infrastructures
* Domain-specific deployment of the event-based paradigm (e.g., workflow
management systems, mobile computing, pervasive and ubiquitous computing,
sensor networks, user interfaces, components integration, web services,
embedded systems)
* Attaching event-based systems to: Point-to-point communication
systems, Browser interfaces, Application GUIs, Databases
* Federating event-based systems
* Converting formats and protocols
* Security and privacy issues
* Mobility issues
User Experience and Requirements
* Real-world application deployments that use event-based middleware: types
of subscriptions, types of pre- and post-processing, languages used,
number of subscribers and publishers, message rate and latency
* Combining event-based systems with other systems in a total
* Requirements from future event-based applications
Submission Instructions
Submissions must conform to the ICDCS formatting guidelines and must not exceed
six (6) pages, including all text, references, appendices, and figures.
Submissions must be in Portable Document Format (PDF). Please submit your paper
by e-mail to a.hinze(a)cs.waikato.ac.nz. Your submission e-mail must contain the
PDF file as a MIME attachment. The sender of the submission will be the contact
person, unless otherwise requested in the submission. Authors of accepted papers
are expected to participate in the workshop.
Important Dates
January 23, 2006 -- Deadline for paper submission
February 21, 2006 -- Decision to paper authors
March 1, 2006 -- Final version of accepted papers due
July 2-3, 2006 -- DEBS 2006 workshop
July 4-7, 2006 -- ICDCS 2006 conference
The workshop will be held in Lisbon, Portugal as a co-located workshop of the
26th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS 2006
To allow extended discussions and interaction, we planned the workshop for two
days. One day will be held at the University and one day is held at the
conference location.
Workshop Organizers
Annika Hinze, University of Waikato, New Zealand
João Pereira, Instituto Superior Técnico and INESC-ID, Portugal
Gero Mühl, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Rob Strom, IBM, USA
David Rosenblum, University College London, United Kingdom
Program committee
to be announced
Dr.-Ing. Gero Muehl gmuehl(a)cs.tu-berlin.de
TU Berlin Tel: (+49) 30 / 314 - 79832
Einsteinufer 17 Fax: (+49) 30 / 314 - 25156
D-10587 Berlin, Germany http://kbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/staff/muehl
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Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
### to whom it may concern. //fw.
Apologies for cross-postings. Abstracts are welcome by February 1, 2006.
Jan Marco Leimeister
Call for Papers
Virtual Community is a well differentiated and well established business
model. Examples for Virtual Communities range from Communities of
Interest, Communities of Relationship, Gaming Communities, and Communities
of Transaction to Peer-to-Peer Communities or Mobile Communities. Within
the field of information systems sciences we are looking at interaction
patterns, transaction processes, management aspects, business models, and
design aspects of information systems and services for Virtual
Communities. Community members interact via digital media and contribute
value in the form of content, reviews, and recommendations. Related issues
are trust, network effects, transaction costs and the design of services.
Well-organized communities even expand their power across various channels
and into the off-line world.
We call for papers on social as well as business communities. Possible
topics include (but are not limited to):
- Social, political and economic impact of Virtual Communities
- Community models, platforms, services, and interactions, multi-channel
- Management and organizational behavior of communities
- Community-related business models
- Transaction-oriented Virtual Communities, Customer collaboration
- Peer-to-Peer or mobile services for Virtual Communities
- Case studies and empirical studies, best practices and lessons learned
This mini-track builds on the success of the preceding AMCIS mini-tracks
on Virtual Communities. During the last five years we have been gathering
a community of researchers who are interested in the field of Virtual
Communities and related issues. Information on last years? mini-tracks is
available at: http://www.e-business.fhbb.ch/amcis
Please visit the mini-track websites at
1. Submit abstracts via email to the appropriate mini-track chair(s) by
February 1, 2006.
2. Submit final papers via the AIS Review System by March 1, 2006.
3. Authors can submit multiple papers but in general may present only once
during the conference.
4. Copyright Information: Submission of a paper to AMCIS2006 represents
the author's agreement to allow AIS to publish the paper in any written or
electronic format for distribution to all interested parties in perpetuity
with or without compensation to AIS and without compensation to the
author. The parties understand that the author is granting a nonexclusive
license and all copyrights remain the property of the author.
Mini-track Chair Information:
Please use the following email-address for all inquiries:
Ulrike Lechner (contact)
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
Jan Marco Leimeister
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3
D-85748 Garching b. München, Germany
Achim Dannecker
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFP: IEEE/AIP CiSE Special Issue on Anatomic Rendering and
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 13:18:47 -0500
From: Jim X. Chen <jchen(a)cs.gmu.edu>
Organization: "OptimaNumerics"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
IEEE/AIP Computing in Science & Engineering (CiSE)
"Anatomic Rendering and Visualization"
Special Issue
Submission: April 1, 2006;
Publication: July, 2006
CiSE seeks original manuscripts for a Special Issue on Anatomic Rendering
and Visualization. The special issue is expected to have four to six papers
intended to address challenges in handling and rendering anatomic data in
different research and application areas, including human body structures.
The intention of this special issue is to bring together different research
and applications in processing and visualizing anatomic data so as to foster
more insight among the fast growing community.
Prospective authors can access our complete submission guidelines by
clicking on http://www.computer.org/cise/author.htm.
Please submit your manuscript using Manuscript Central at
Important dates:
Submission Deadline: 1 April 2006
Completion of Minor Revision Reviews: 2 May 2006
Publication Materials Due: 20 May 06
Publication: July/August 2006 issue
Please address all other correspondence regarding this special issue to the
Guest Editors:
Jim X. Chen
George Mason University
Tianyu Zhang
Fudan University
Jim X. Chen, Ph.D.
Director of Computer Graphics Lab
Associate Professor of Computer Science
George Mason University (Mail Stop 4A5)
Fairfax, VA 22030, U.S.A.
<mailto:jchen@cs.gmu.edu> jchen(a)cs.gmu.edu
Phone: 703 993 1720; 703 786 6426 (c)
Fax: 703 993 1710
<http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~jchen> http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~jchen
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ICPR2006 CFP **Deadline Extension** 18th International
Conference on Pattern Recognition
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 16:38:56 +0800
From: ICPR 2006 <icpr06(a)Comp.HKBU.Edu.HK>
Organization: "OptimaNumerics"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Due to numerous requests and the long new year holiday for some asian
countries, the ICPR'06 paper submission deadline is further extended to
16 January, 2006.
ICPR 2006
The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
20-24 August 2006
Hong Kong
The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) is a
biennial event of the International Association for Pattern Recognition
(IAPR). ICPR'06 will be hosted by Hong Kong Baptist University and held
in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. ICPR'06 will be a major
multi-track international conference and provide a stimulating
scientific environment for academics, industry and researchers to
exchange their views and have a chance for in-depth face to face
The five selected tracks are:
Track I: Computer Vision and Image Analysis
Track II : Pattern Recognition and Basic Technologies
Track III : Signal, Speech and Image Processing
Track IV : Systems, Robotics and Applications (with Associated Theme:
Track V : Cognitive Approaches & Soft Computing
Full paper submissions due: January 16, 2006
Notification of acceptances: March 15, 2006
Final camera-ready papers due: May 15, 2006
The paper page limit is 4 pages. Anonymous papers should be written in
English and submitted in pdf format. Formatting instructions provided by
the IEEE Computer Society Press are available from the ICPR'06
conference website. By submitting your paper, you warrant that neither
it nor any related paper with essentially the same technical content has
been submitted for publication anywhere else.
Full-day workshops and half-day tutorials will be held on August 20,
2006. Please check the ICPR'06 homepage for details of the call for
workshops and tutorials.
General Chair & General Co-Chairs
Yuan Yan Tang, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong (General Chair)
Patrick Wang, Northeastern University, USA
G. Lorette, Universite de Rennes 1, France
Daniel So Yeung, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (Technical)
Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Ru-Wei Dai, Institute of Automation, Academia Sinica, China
Chun-hung Li, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Hong Yan, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Workshop Co-Chairs
Nanning Zheng, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
James Kwok, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Tutorial Co-Chairs
Chao Huan Hou, Institute of Acoustics, Academia Sinica, China
Dit-Yan Yeung, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Web Chair
William Cheung, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Publication Chair
Xiaowen Chu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
Kelvin Wong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Kenneth K.M. Lam, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Poster Chair
Irwin King, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Publicity Co-Chairs
Yiu-ming Cheung, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Man-wai Mak, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Registration Chair
Victor Cheng, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Track Chairs
Track Chairs for Computer Vision and Image Analysis
Brian Lovell, University of Queensland, Australia
Long Quan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Track Chairs for Pattern Recognition and Basic Technologies
Bob Haralick, City University of New York, USA
Tin Kam Ho, Bell Laboratories, USA
Track Chairs for Signal, Speech and Image Processing
Andreas Dengel, Kaiserslautern University, Germany
Kazuhiko Yamamoto, Gifu University, Japan
Track Chairs for Systems, Robotics and Applications (with Associated
Theme: Biometrics)
Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Istituto di Cibernetica, Italy
Seong-Whan Lee, Korea University, Korea
Track Chairs for Cognitive Approaches & Soft Computing
Pong C Yuen, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Horace Ip, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ICPR'06 is co-sponsored by IAPR and Hong Kong Baptist University and is
supported by the Chinese Association of Automation.
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For additional commands, e-mail: computational.science-help(a)lists.optimanumerics.com
Computational Science mailing list hosting is provided by
OptimaNumerics (http://www.OptimaNumerics.com)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for Papers 2006 IEEE ICEBE, October 24-26, 2006,
Shanghai, China
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 15:14:02 -0000
From: Kuo-Ming Chao <csx240(a)coventry.ac.uk>
Organization: "OptimaNumerics"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
We apologise if you received multiple copies.
IEEE Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2006)
SPONSORED BY IEEE Computer Society TC on Electronic Commerce
IBM Research, Fudan University
University of Hong Kong, Singapore management University,
China Electronic Commerce Association
October 24-26, 2006, Shanghai, China
Abstract registration deadline April 1, 2006
Paper submission deadline May 1, 2006
Notification of acceptance July 12, 2006
Final manuscripts due August 25, 2006
Conference starts October 24, 2006
- Call for submissions of research papers, industry track papers and student workshop papers
- Best paper award and best student paper award
- Proceedings to be published by IEEE Computer Society Press
- Journal special issues planned (3 special issues for ICEBE05)
The IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2006) is an international forum for researchers and practitioners from different areas of computer science and information systems to exchange information on the enabling technologies and best practices for e-business, to identify the emerging research topics, as well as to help shape the future of IT-transformed enterprise, government and commerce. The conference scope spans the areas of middleware, databases, MIS, Web, and multimedia. ICEBE is a sister event of the 2006 IEEE 8th International Conference on e-Commerce Technology and the 3rd IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE' 06) (CEC and EEE 2006, http://linux.ece.uci.edu/cec06/), which will be held in San Francisco, USA, June 26-29, 2006
The technical program of ICEBE 2006 will consist of keynote speeches, paper presentations, and panel discussion. It will also include an industry track to foster the interaction between the academics and the industry, and a student workshop for graduate students to receive constructive feedback on their work from their peers and senior faculty members. Submissions of high quality papers describing mature results or on-going work are invited. The conference theme will be "enabling e-business in emerging markets". Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* E-Commerce Models, Applications and technologies
* E-Business Engineering
* Data and Knowledge Management
* Mobile and Pervasive Commerce
* Industrial Track
- Security, privacy, trust, efficiency in specified industries
Full papers must not exceed 8 pages, using IEEE two-column template. All papers should be in Adobe portable document format (PDF) or PostScript format. Authors should submit their paper via electronic submission system. All papers selected for this conference are peer-reviewed and will be published in the regular conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Submissions must not be published or submitted for another conference. The best papers presented in the conference will be selected for journal special issues.
See http://www.icebe.org/2006/
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CFP of 2006 Int'l Symp. on Ubiquitous Computing Systems
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 21:25:03 +0900
From: Prof. Hee Yong Youn <youn(a)ece.skku.ac.kr>
Organization: "OptimaNumerics"
To: Computational Science Mailing List
2006 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing Systems (UCS 2006)
COEX, Seoul, Korea
Oct. 11 - 13, 2006
Organized by u-Korea Forum, Sungkyunkwan Univ., and ETNEWS
Sponsored by KISS, KIPS, KICS, NCA, UCN (Korea) and IPSJ SIGUBI, IEICE URON, UNF (Japan)
The Proceedings will be published in LNCS, Springer-Verlag
Purpose and Scope
Ubiquitous computing has emerged as a core terminology in the area of science and engineering as the Internet did a decade ago. It involves all the key IT fields to provide the best service to human and society using the sensors empowered with context awareness and computers allowing seamless connection between various entities. This new paradigm can efficiently support the 5C(Computing, Communication, Connection, Contents, Calm) with 5Any (Anytime, Anywhere, Any-network, Any-device, Any-service) concept. Due to its huge impact on human life and society, numerous related technologies and applications are appearing these days with some early version. We invite researchers, practitioners, and others interested in ubiquitous computing and networking to participate in the International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing Systems (UCS 2006) held in Seoul, Korea, October 11 - 13, 2006.
UCS 2006 focuses on the emerging area of ubiquitous computing. The symposium offers the opportunity for in-depth exploration of the most recent research and development findings in the field of ubiquitous computing with particular emphasis on balancing the theories and their applications. The city of Seoul is a mega-center of computer and communication academia/industry, and the symposium will attract a variety of participants from all over the world for sharing up-to-date information on ubiquitous computing and their applications. Exhibition is also held to allow the relevant industries to disseminate recent products. We encourage contributions describing innovative work on ubiquitous computing systems. Areas of interest include, but not limited to:
Enabling Technologies for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Computing
Wireless Networks and Home Networks for Ubiquitous Computing
Location-dependent and Context-aware Computing
Networked Robots for Ubiquitous Computing
Smart Sensors and Sensor Networks for Ubiquitous Computing
Portable Devices and Wearable Computers
Passive, Active, and Smart Tags for Ubiquitous Computing
Home and Office Appliances
Software Architecture for Home/Smart Appliances
Various Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing
Gaming Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments
Modeling and Inference
Human Computer Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing
Security and Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing
Social Solutions for Ubiquitous Computing
Domestic Environments and Health Care
Important Dates
Submission deadline: April 3, 2006
Notification of acceptance: June 5, 2006
Camera-ready papers: July 17, 2006
Paper Submission
The UCS2006 Proceedings will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Technical papers for UCS2006 must not exceed 16 pages (but we explicitly welcome shorter papers) and include an abstract of 100-150 words. The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of LNCS (for formatting information see Information for LNCS Authors). Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. PostScript and source versions of the paper must be submitted electronically through the paper submission system. Refer to the home page www.ukoreaforum.or.kr/ucs2006/.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact
- About the conference
Hee Yong Youn, Sungkyunkwan Univ., School of Info. & Comm. Engg., Korea
Phone: +82-31-290-7147; Fax: +82-31-290-7231; WWW: http://mobile.skku.ac.kr;
Email: youn(a)ece.skku.ac.kr; or see the conference home page
URL: http://www.ukoreaforum.or.kr/ucs2006/
Suhee Kim, u-Korea Forum (Korea)
Phone: +82-2-2168-9578; Fax: +82-2-2636-8225
Email: shkim(a)ukoreaforum.or.kr
Organizing Committee
Hee Yong Youn, Sungkyunkwan Univ. (Korea)
Hideyuki Nakashima, Future Univ.-Hakodate (Japan)
CHAIR: Chang-Gon Kim, NCA (Korea)
Chu-Hwan Yim, ETRI (Korea)
Sung-Ok Lee, MIC (Korea)
Yeon-Ki Son, KADO (Korea)
Hong-Seob Lee, KISA (Korea)
Heon-Jin Ko, KIPA (Korea)
Kwan-Ho Song, NIDA (Korea)
Chu-Hun Lee, KISDI (Korea)
Yong-Hwa Cho, KISTI (Korea)
Chun-Ho Kim, KETI (Korea)
Hong-Gu Kim, TTA (Korea)
Yoonduk Lee, MIC (Korea)
Sang Son, Univ. of Virginia (USA)
Sajal K. Das, Univ. of Texas at Arlington(USA)
Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan)
Sang-Chul Shin, NCA (Korea)
Ki-Shik Park, ETRI (Korea)
We-Duke Cho, UCN (Korea)
Hideyuki Tokuda, Keio University (Japan)
Tomonori Aoyama, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Haruhisa Ichikawa, NTT (Japan)
Minkoo Kim, Ajou Univ. (Korea)
Hiroyuki Morikawa, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan)
Yongtae Shin, Soongsil Univ. (Korea)
Younghwan Kim, KT (Korea)
Suyong Han, SKTelecom (Korea)
Kyungsu Lee, KTF (Korea)
Heeyeon Lee, LG ELETRONICS (Korea)
Jungtae Nam, IBM Korea (Korea)
Myungho Kim, MS Korea (Korea)
Kesig Lee, SAMSUNG SDS (Korea)
Sookyoung Lim, LG CNS (Korea)
Jooyeon Lee, SK C&C (Korea)
Sejong Kim, HIT (Korea)
Myung-Guk Jang, TTA (Korea)
Seongdong Kim, KETI (Korea)
Ilsun Hwang, KISTI (Korea)
Jusung Hwang, KISDI (Korea)
Euisun Paik, KISA (Korea)
Jaeyun Woo, KICT (Korea)
Dong-Ryeol Shin, Sungkyunkwan Univ.(Korea)
Myung-Joon Kim, ETRI (Korea)
Young Ik Eom, Sungkyunkwan Univ. (Korea)
Michael Beigl, Univ. of Karlsruhe (Germany)
Masayoshi Ohashi, KDDI (Japan)
Jongsuk chae, ETRI (Korea)
Byunghyun Woo, The Chosun Ilbo (Korea)
Kyungmook Kim, ETNEWS (Korea)
Byung-Ho Min, u-Korea Forum (Korea)
Ungmo Kim, Sungkyunkwan Univ. (Korea)
Hiroaki Higaki, Tokyo Denki Univ. (Japan)
Suhee Kim, u-Korea Forum (Korea)
Jee-Hyong Lee, Sungkyunkwan Univ. (Korea)
Wonjoon Hong, ETNEWS (Korea)
(* Track Chair)
[Human Computer Interaction]
*Dongman Lee (ICU, Korea)
Anind K. Dey (CMU, USA)
Albrecht Schmidt (Munchen Univ., Germany)
Joerg Baus (Saarland Univ., Germany)
Sungyoung Lee (KungHee Univ., Korea)
Eunseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea)
Toshiyuki Masui (AIST, Japan)
Michiaki Yasumura (Keio University, Japan)
Itiro Siio, (Tamagawa University, Japan)
Mirjana Spasojevic (Yahoo, USA)
[Modeling and Social Aspects]
*Koichi Kurumatani (AIST, Japan)
Kaori Fujinami, (Waseda University, Japan)
Marc Langheinrich (ETHZ, Switzerland)
Steven Willmott (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Michael Evans (Indiana University, USA)
Keith Cheverst (Lancaster Univ,.UK)
Jihong Jung (Kookmin Univ., Korea)
Jungtae Lee (Ajou Univ., Korea)
[Security and Privacy]
*Manpyo Hong (Ajou Univ., Korea)
Kwangjo Kim (ICU, Korea)
Youngtack Park (Soongsil Univ. Korea)
Frank Stajano (University of Cambridge, UK)
Jens Grossklags, (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Sozo Inoue (Kyushu University, Japan)
Shigeki Yamada (NII, Japan)
*Ichiro Satoh (NII, Japan)
Nobuo Kawaguchi (Nagoya University, Japan)
Kazunori Takashio (Keio University, Japan)
Gabriele Kotsis (University of Lintz, Austria)
Khai Truong (University of Toronto, Canada)
Joseph Ng (Hong Kong Baptist University, P. R. China)
Thorsten Prante (Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany)
Sun-Woo Lee (Hallym Univ., Korea)
Gregory D. Abowd (GATECH, USA)
Chansu Yu (Cleveland State Univ., USA)
Ben Lee (Oregon State Univ., USA)
Gyung-Leen Park (Cheju National Univ., Korea)
*Masayoshi Ohashi (KDDI, Japan)
Yasuo Tan (JAIST, Japan)
Ken'ichi Yamazaki (NTT DoCoMo, Japan)
Ian Smith (Intel, USA)
Daeyoung Kim (ICU, Korea)
Eun Kyo Park (Univ. of Miso at Kansas City, USA)
Wonjun Lee (Korea Univ., Korea)
[Smart Devices]
*Woontack Woo(GIST, Korea)
Daqing Zhang (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore)
Thomas Strang (DLR., Germany)
Sang-Goog Lee (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea)
Heedong Ko (KIST, Korea)
Masaaki Fukumoto (NTT DoCoMo, Japan)
Masateru Minami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Mikio Hasegawa (NICT, Japan)
Kristof Van Laerhoven (Lancaster University, UK)
Michael Beigl (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)