-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Berliner XML-Tage 2005: Frist verlängert bis zum 6.6.!
Datum: Tue, 24 May 2005 14:13:23 +0200
Von: cfp(a)xmltage.de
An: handt(a)inf.fu-berlin.de
Aufgrund vielfacher Anfragen wurde die Frist
für Einreichungen bis zum 6.6. verlängert.
Call For Papers
3. Berliner XML-Tage 2005
12.-14. September 2005, Berlin
XML-Technologien dominieren wichtige Bereiche von
Integrationstechnologien und sind die Grundlage für eine neue
Generation von Web-basierten Systemen mit Semantic Web, Web Services
oder GRID Technologien. Aktuelle Forschung und Anwendung betrifft die
Grundlagentechnologien selber, ihre Verwendung in den genannten
Integrationstechnologien und ihre Verwendung in der gesamten
Spannbreite der IT-Anwendungen.
Die Berliner XML-Tage 2005 bieten ein Forum zum Austausch
wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse in diesen Bereichen. Sie sind die
führende deutschsprachige wissenschaftliche Konferenz zu XML. Sie sind
als Konferenz mit mehreren themenfokussierten Tracks organisiert und
werden durch verschiedene Zusatzevents wie dem W3C-Tag und dem
Wirtschaftsforum ergänzt. Für Berichte aus laufenden
Promotionsvorhaben ist der Doktorandenworkshop reserviert, dessen
eigener Call for Papers unten steht.
Themen von Interesse für die Berliner XML-Tage:
Technologien und Anwendungen im Semantic Web:
- XML Technologien zur Wissensrepräsentation wie RDF, Topic Navigation
Maps etc.
- Technologien zur Darstellung von in XML repräsentierten Daten und
- Technologien zur Verarbeitung von in XML repräsentierten Daten und Wissen
- Anwendungen zur Realisierung des Semantic Web
- Ontologien für E-Business
- Informationsqualität im Semantic Web
- Industrielle Erfahrungen und Fallstudien mit Semantic Web
Web Services [Leitung: Barbara Zengler, Daimler Chrysler R&T]:
- Web Services in der Praxis, Anwendungsbeispiele (Case Studies),
Einsatzerfahrungen (Lessons Learned)
- State-of-the-art und Standardisierung
- Konfluenz mit anderen Technikgebieten, insbesondere Semantic Web und
Weitere Schwerpunkte
- Technologien und Anwendungen im Schwerpunktthema
Sprachverarbeitung mit XML
- Technologien und Anwendungen im Schwerpunktthema
Multimediaanwendungen mit XML-Technologien
- Technologien und Anwendungen im Schwerpunktthema
XML-basierte Human-Resource-Anwendungen
- Technologien und Anwendungen im Schwerpunktthema
XML und Datenbanken
Weiterhin (nicht ausschließlich):
- Durch XML-Technologien induzierte Änderungen in Wertschöpfungsketten
- Innovative Erweiterungen und Ergänzungen von XML Kerntechnologien
- Performance und Vertrauenswürdigkeit von XML-Technologien
- Sicherheit und Datenschutz mit XML
- XML-Anwendungen als Fallstudien für Integration
- Publishing und Content Management
- Electronic Business
- Web Engineering mit XML
- Suchtechnologien mit XML
3 eingeladene Vorträge:
Harald Schöning, Software AG, Darmstadt
Nicola Henze, Universität Hannover
Alan L. Whitford, Co-chair of the HR-XML Consortium European Chapter (Abtech
Partnership, UK)
Einreichen von Beiträgen:
Reguläre Einreichungen (Umfang bis zu 12 Seiten) präsentieren
eigenständige Arbeiten in den genannten Bereichen, Kurzbeiträge (bis
zu 6 Seiten) stellen Forschungsideen, Positionen oder laufende
Arbeiten kurz vor.
Einreichungen werden in deutscher und englischer Sprache
akzeptiert. Der Beitrag darf nicht schon an anderer Stelle
veröffentlicht sein oder zur Begutachtung vorliegen. Alle
Einreichungen werden durch das Programmkomitee begutachtet.
Beiträge sind grundsätzlich im PDF-Format einzureichen und müssen das
LNI-Format der Gesellschaft für Informatik verwenden. Bitte beachten
Sie die Hinweise für Autoren der GI-Serie Lecture Notes in
Informatics. Formatvorlagen für Word und LaTeX sind dort erhältlich.
Die Einreichung von Beiträgen erfolgt ausschließlich online unter
Wichtige Termine
Frist für die Einreichung der Beiträge: 6. Juni 2005
Benachrichtigung über Akzeptanz: 18. Juli 2005
Einreichung der endgültigen Version: 3. August 2005
Konferenztage: 12. bis 14.September 2005
Die Berliner XML-Tage werden von den GI Fachgruppen Multimedia, Hypertext
und Hypermedia, Natürlichsprachliche Systeme sowie Datenbanken unterstützt.
Dr. Rainer Eckstein, HU zu Berlin
Prof. Robert Tolksdorf, Freie Universität Berlin
Wolfgang Benn, TU Chemnitz
Bettina Berendt, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Christian Bizer, Freie Universität Berlin
Stefan Conrad, Universität Düsseldorf
Wolfgang Dostal, IBM
Silke Eckstein, TU Braunschweig
Dieter Fensel, DERI Irland
Johann Christoph Freytag, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Michael Granitzer, Know-Center, Graz
Nicola Henze, Universität Hannover
Andreas Heuer, Universität Rostock
Meike Klettke, Universität Rostock
Nik Klever, FH Augsburg
Jörn Kreutel, SemanticEdge GmbH, Berlin
Wolfgang Lehner, TU Dresden
Johannes Mayer, Universität Ulm
Holger Meyer, Universität Rostock
Ingo Melzer, DaimlerChrysler R&T
Daniel Olmedilla, L3S Hannover
Arnold Picot, Universität München
Joachim Quantz, xmlcity e.V. Berlin
Gunter Saake, Universität Magdeburg
Klaus Schild, Freie Universität Berlin
Rainer Schmidt, FH Aalen
Harald Schöning, Software AG, Darmstadt
Bernhard Schröder, Universität Bonn
Steffen Staab, Uni Koblenz
Silvia v.Stackelberg, Fraunhofer IPSI, Darmstadt
Manfred Stede, Universität Potsdam
Uta Stoerl, FH Darmstadt
Rudi Studer, AIFB Karlsruhe
Holger Schwarz, Uni Stuttgart
Klaus Tochtermann, Know-Center, Graz
Gottfried Vossen, Uni Münster
Gerd Wagner, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
Michael Weber, Universität Ulm
Erik Wilde, ETH Zürich
Barbara Zengler, DaymlerChrysler R&T
Bei Nachfragen zum Workshop wenden Sie sich bitte per e-Mail an
Doktorandenworkshop Technologien und Anwendungen von XML
XML-Technologien und Anwendungen werden in vielen Promotionsprojekten
verwendet und untersucht. Der Doktorandenworkshop Technologien und
Anwendungen von XML soll einen Rahmen bieten, in dem sich entwickelnde
Ideen und Arbeiten in einem größeren Forum vorgestellt und diskutiert
werden können. Die spezielle Form als Doktorandenworkshop soll
Gelegenheit zu einem intensiven Kontakt zu den übrigen Teilnehmenden
bieten. Thematisch ist der Workshop nicht begrenzt, jedoch soll es
sich bei den vorgestellten Arbeiten um Promotionen im Bereich
Informatik oder mit sehr starkem Informatikanteil handeln. Die
Beiträge werden im Tagungsband veröffentlicht.
Termine und Einreichen
Es gelten dieselben Kriterien wie bei der Gesamtkonferenz mit der
Ausnahme, dass die Beiträge bei Verwendung der Vorlage den Umfang
von 3 bis 6 Seiten nicht überschreiten sollen.
Weitere Informationen:
Prof. Robert Tolksdorf, FU Berlin
Dr. Rainer Eckstein, HU zu Berlin
Hans-Knud Arndt, Universitaet Magdeburg
Ralf-Detlef Kutsche, Technische Universität Berlin
Heinz Schweppe, Freie Universität Berlin
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Invitation: iiWAS2005, MoMM2005
Datum: Mon, 23 May 2005 10:14:31 +0200
Von: Ismail Khalil Ibrahim <ismail(a)tk.uni-linz.ac.at>
An: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Dear colleagues,
We encourage you to consider submitting a paper to these collocated events
which might be of interest to you:
*** The Seventh International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2005)
Dates: 19-21 September 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Web site: http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/iiwas2005/
Email: info(a)iiwas.org
Papers Submission Deadline: June 1st, 2005
Paper Submission online system: http://iiwas.cs.latrobe.edu.au
All accepted conference papers will be published during the conference by
the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) as a book in the books(a)ocg.at series
Selected papers will be further considered for publication as special
issues in:
- International Journal of Web Information Systems
- International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering
- International Journal of Web and Grid Services
- International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
- International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
- International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
Keynote Speakers:
- "The Web goes mobile - can we keep pace?" Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis,
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
- "The Virtual Heart" Prof. Dr. Selvanathan Narainasamy, University of
Malaya, Malaysia
- "Securing Outsourced Information Databases" Prof. Dr. Bala
Srinivasan, Monash University Australia
*** The third International Conference on advances in Mobile Multimedia
Dates: 19-21 September 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Web site: http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/momm2005/
Email: info(a)iiwas.org
Papers Submission Deadline: June 1st, 2005
Paper Submission online system: http://momm.cs.latrobe.edu.au
All accepted conference papers will be published during the conference as a
book by the Austrian
Computer Society (OCG) in the books(a)ocg.at series
Selected papers will be further considered for publication as special
issues in:
- Journal of Mobile Multimedia
- International Journal of Business Data Communication and Networking
- International Journal of Virtual Technology and Multimedia
- International Journal of Mobile Information Systems
Keynote Speakers:
- "The Web goes mobile - can we keep pace?" Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis,
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
- "The Virtual Heart" Prof. Dr. Selvanathan Narainasamy, University of
Malaya, Malaysia
- "How far are we from providing information assurance in wireless sensor
networks?" Prof. Stephan Olariu, Old Dominion University, USA
- "Query Processing in Mobile Computing Environment" Prof. Dr. Bala
Srinivasan, Monash University Australia
Thank you very much for your attention. We are looking forward to welcoming
you in Kuala Lumpur !!
Best Regards,
Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Steering Committee Chair
Gabriele Kotsis, General Conference Chair
David Taniar, Programm Committee chair
Stephane Bressan, Programm Committee chair
Salimah Mokhtar, Organizing Committee Chair
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: 2nd CFP: International Conference on Service Oriented
Datum: Mon, 23 May 2005 15:58:14 +1000 (EST)
Von: Shonali Krishnaswamy <Shonali.Krishnaswamy(a)infotech.monash.edu.au>
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Computing (ICSOC 2005)
Content-Length: 957
Dear Colleague,
We encourage you to send your contributions to and participate in
As you will notice from the CFP and the Web site, this year ICSOC
includes several innovations in the ongoing effort to further improve
the quality and attractiveness of what was already a very stimulating
The main goal of ICSOC'05 is to foster integration among scientific
communities working in the service-oriented computing area.
Sumbission information and other details are available at: www.icsoc.org
Best Regards
Dr. Shonali Krishnaswamy
School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Monash University (Caulfield Campus)
900, Dandenong Road, Caulfield, Victoria-3145, Australia
WWW : http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~shonali
Phone: +61 3 9903 1967
Fax : +61 3 9903 1077
Monash Provider No. : 00008c
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [all-prolearn] WOSE05 Workshop on Ontologies, Semantics and
Datum: Sun, 22 May 2005 20:38:43 +0200
Von: erik duval <erik.duval(a)cs.kuleuven.ac.be>
An: all-prolearn(a)agws.dit.upm.es
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.
OTM 2005 Workshop on Ontologies, Semantics and E-Learning
Call for Papers
3 Nov 2005
Agia Napa, Cyprus
In conjunction with
On The Move Federated Conferences
Proceedings published by Springer LNCS
Ontologies define precisely and formally the semantics of objects
and their inter-relationships for a specific application domain. As
ontologies enable semantic interoperability between information
systems, they are a central notion for the Semantic Web. The
application domain for this workshop is (e-)learning. Indeed, many
kinds of software and content components, platforms and legacy
systems for e-learning exist, commercial and freeware. The challenge
is to make this large variety of components interoperable, so that
an open, global infrastructure for learning can be tailored to the
needs of learners, trainers and teachers. Already, some learning
technology standards have XML and/or RDF bindings, which makes them
suitable for processing with semantic web technology.
This workshop, in Agia Napa, Cyprus, will be held in conjunction
with the OTM conference during one day (03/11/2005) of the main
conference. The working language is English.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers (from
academia and industry) and practitioners and to discuss views on
how (future) learning systems will realize interoperability by
means of semantics embodied in ontologies, and how this inter-
operability will benefit the end users. Regular papers as well
as shorter position papers may be presented. A selection of
position papers will constitute the starting point for a panel
discussion on ontology interoperability for e-learning
applications with a specific focus on novel opportunities.
The workshop will be organised in a way to highly stimulate
interaction amongst the participants. To this aim, an important
part of each regular time slot will be reserved for a discussion.
The main topic of the workshop will thus be a combination of
learning and ontologies or ñ stated in another way ñ inter-
operability of learning applications through formal definitions
of the semantics involved.
Specific topics addressed by the workshop are:
- Improving interoperability of e-learning systems by ontologies
- Development and integration of learning ontologies (tools and
- (Collaborative) modeling methodologies for e-learning ontologies
- Binding learning technology standards to semantic web languages
and technologies
- Case studies showing improved learner experience thanks to semantic
web technology
- Methods and tools to create annotated and re-usable learning objects.
In addition, this year we strongly encourage submissions around the
topics of:
- context, e.g. opposing the context of modelling vs. the context
of usage as context related issues often determine to a large extent
the success of learning applications.
- a flexible framework of learning objects components to enable semantic
interoperability of meta-data: learning objects, users,
Two kinds of submissions are possible: regular papers reporting on
original work (up to 10 pages) and position papers (up to 5 pages).
Submit your paper via the cyberchair web page
http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/wose/2005/papers Submissions may be
handed in in Postscript, PDF or MS Word format. Use the appropriate
LNCS style from the Springer site. Author instructions can be found at:
Accepted workshop contributions will be published by Springer-Verlag as
LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) as a part of the workshop
proceedings of the 2005 International On The Move Federated Conferences
(OTM). Registering to the OTM conference and WOSE workshop is
prerequisite for the paper to be published.
Failure to commit to presentation at the conference automatically
excludes a paper from the proceedings!
Deadline for expression of interest (abstract) June 24th, 2005
Deadline for submission: June 24th, 2005
Notification of acceptance: July 29th, 2005
Camera-ready paper due: August 20th, 2005
OTMí05: October 31st- November 4th, 2005
WOSE'05: November 3rd, 2005
- Lora Aroyo, Information Systems Group, Eindhoven University of
The Netherlands
- Aldo de Moor, Semantics Technology and Applications Research Lab,
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Erik Duval, Hypermedia and Databases Group, Katholieke Universiteit
- Robert Farrell, Next Generation Web Department, IBM Research, IBM
Inc., USA
- Fabrizio Giorgini, Giunti Interactive Labs, Italy
- Wayne Hodgins, Autodesk Inc., Petaluma CA, USA
- Paul LeFrere, Microsoft Inc., Redmond, USA
- Ambjorn Naeve, Knowledge Management Research Group, Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- Daniel Rehak, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Tyde Richards, Eduworks Corporation, Corvallis OR, USA
- Peter Spyns, Semantics Technology and Applications Research Lab, Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Frans Van Assche, European Schoolnet, Brussel, Belgium
- Luc Vervenne, Synergetics NV, Belgium
- Martin Wolpers, L3S Research Center, Hannover,Germany
The official web site URL: http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/
The workshop web site URL: http://www.starlab.vub.ac.be/events/
The official submission page: http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/wose/
Peter Spyns (Peter.Spyns(a)vub.ac.be) & Aldo de Moor
Department of Computer Science,
Systems Technology and Applications Research Laboratory,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Erik Duval (Erik.Duval(a)cs.kuleuven.ac.be)
Department of Computer Science,
Hypermedia and Databases Group,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Lora Aroyo (l.m.aroyo(a)tue.nl)
Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Reminder / Call for Papers; 10th Symposium on Finance,
Banking, and Insurance, Karlsruhe (Germany), December 14-16, 2005
Datum: Thu, 19 May 2005 22:04:49 +0200
Von: 10th Symposium FBI Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH)
An: <gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Dear Madam, dear Sir,
We would like to remind you of the 10th Symposium on Finance, Banking,
and Insurance, which will be held at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) on
December 14 - 16, 2005.
**The deadline for paper submission is approaching quickly: May, 31 !**
Interested speakers are invited to participate in the symposium and
submit a paper for presentation. They are requested to submit their
contribution in electronic form until May 31, 2005. Please see our
website http://symposium.fbv.uni-karlsruhe.de
<http://symposium.fbv.uni-karlsruhe.de/> for further information about
paper submission. All submitted papers will complete a referee process.
Particularly welcome are papers dealing with the following topics:
• Corporate Finance,
• Mergers & Acquisitions,
• Integrated Financial Services,
• Bank and Insurer Capital Allocation and Adequacy,
• Asset Pricing,
• Derivatives,
• Risk Management,
• Alternative Risk Transfer and Reinsurance,
• Real Estate Finance,
• IT-Methods and Applications in Finance,
• Social Responsible Investment,
as well as other topics related to Finance and Insurance.
As the oldest conference on Finance in the German-speaking area, we are
celebrating our 25th anniversary in the year 2005. Our Symposium
traditionally promotes the exchange of ideas between theory and practice
and offers an international forum for researchers and practitioners. The
program will include plenary and contributed paper sessions.
One highlight of the previous events were the keynote speeches of
well-known personalities from science and practice. For the year 2005,
outstanding personalities are expected again, e.g. Darrell Duffie
(Stanford University) accepted our invitation to give a speech.
Please forward this information to interested fellow researchers. For
further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
With kind regards
Prof. Dr. H. Göppl
Prof. Dr. C. Hipp
Prof. Dr. M. Uhrig-Homburg
Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), December 14 - 16, 2005
Organizing Committee
U. Brixner (Frankfurt a.M.) • W. Eichhorn (Karlsruhe)
G. Franke (Konstanz) • J. Franke (Frankfurt a.M.)
H. Goeppl (Karlsruhe) • W.-R. Heilmann (Muenchen)
C. Hipp (Karlsruhe) • H. Kleiner (Karlsruhe)
M. Meier-Preschany (Frankfurt a.M.) • R. Roll (Los Angeles)
S. Ross (Boston) • B. Schareck (Karlsruhe)
M. Uhrig-Homburg (Karlsruhe) • I. Welch (Providence)
A. Zink (Karlsruhe)
Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH) • PO box 6980
D-76128 Karlsruhe • Germany
Phone: +49 721 608 19900 • Fax: +49 721 608 19901
Email: symposium(a)fbv.uni-karlsruhe.de
Internet: http://symposium.fbv.uni-karlsruhe.de
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: ECOOP 2005 First Workshop on Building a System Using Patterns
-- Deadline extended
Datum: Wed, 18 May 2005 22:08:26 -0700
Von: m.fayad(a)sjsu.edu
Sorry for multiple copies..
New deadline: May 30, 2005. Looking forward to your submissions.. Thank
*/Building Systems Using Patterns: Examine the Illustrious Claim – Call
for Papers/*
*Preliminary Call for Papers*
*ECOOP 2005 First Workshop on*
*Building A System Using Patterns: Examine the Illustrious Claim*
Call for Papers
*ECOOP 2005 Full day workshop*
*The 19th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming *
*July 25-29, 2005, Glasgow, Scotland*
As software increases in size and becomes more complex and costly, the
need for techniques to ease software development is likewise increasing.
Over the years, pattern community has evolved and received more
attention from both academia and industry. Developing software using
patterns can reduce cost and condense development life-cycles, while
simultaneously maintaining the quality of the developed systems.
However, the potential of using patterns in developing software systems
is not fully realized. Although several patterns have been developed for
analyzing, designing, and implementing software; however, there exist no
mature guidelines or methodologies that provide a systematic approach
for integrating these different types of patterns into traditional
development cycles. These challenges and others can greatly preclude the
realization of patterns as a strong reuse paradigm. This workshop aims
at bringing together researchers and practitioners to explore and
advance state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice of using patterns for
developing software systems.
The main goal of this workshop is to explore the landscape of using
patterns for developing software systems. In particular, we want to
integrate our effort at ECOOP 2005 (accepted workshop) and OOPSLA 2005
(this workshop proposal) to form a community of researchers and
practitioners that are interested in identifying and investigating the
key issues of using patterns in developing software systems.
The workshop aim at exploring several fundamental issues related to the
main question: /can patterns be used to develop software system?/ We
want researchers, framework developers, and application developers to
answer the following questions:
1. Are the various claims related to building any system from patterns
2. What do we mean when we say “systems of patterns”?
3. What are the various claims related to patterns composition; are they
4. If someone would like to build a system from patterns, how do you
select patterns?
5. What kind of patterns should one select to build a system from patterns?
6. Is there a guideline for the selection process?
7. How architectural patterns can interact with both analysis patterns
and design patterns when developing a system?
8. Are there any guidelines for patterns composition?
9. Are there any existing techniques for integrating patterns into
traditional development cycles?
*Paper Format and Submission *
People interested in participating in the workshop are requested to
submit a short position paper (3-5 pages) or regular workshop paper
(limited to 10 pages, double spaced, including figures) representing
views and experiences relevant to the discussion topic. The title page
should include a maximum 150-word abstract, five keywords, full mailing
address, e-mail address, phone number, fax number, and a designated
contact author. Papers will be selected depending on the originality,
quality and relevance to the workshop. To foster lively discussions,
each author is encouraged to present open questions and one or two main
statements that will be discussed at the workshop. Submissions must be
either Pdf, MS-Word or RTF formats (please, DO NOT compress files). As
an alternative, initial submission can by done by emailing a URL
pointing to an HTML version of the paper. Depending on the number and
spread of contributions, the scope may be narrowed to ensure effective
communication and information sharing. Accepted papers will be published
in the workshop proceedings as a technical report at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln to be distributed to the participants before the
workshop, and made generally available through WWW and FTP. A workshop
report will be published in the addendum proceedings of the conference.
People interested in participating in the workshop without submission
are requested to fill out the participation form and e-mail to the
workshop chairs at: *m.fayad(a)sjsu.edu* and *hhamza(a)cse.unl.edu*
Name and affiliation:
Areas of interest:
Why would you like to participate?
Please note that registration is required in order to participate in the
workshop. Please check the conference registration webpage for more
details. A projector connected to laptop and a flipchart will be
available. For more information please visit
*Important Dates:*
Submission deadline May 30, 2005
Acceptance notification June 20, 2005
Camera ready paper due July 11, 2005
Workshop date: Tuesday, July 26, 2005
*Prof. Mohamed E. Fayad (Chair)*
Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering
San José State University
San José, CA 95192-0180
Ph: (408) 924-7364, Fax: (408) 924-4153
E-mail: _m.fayad(a)sjsu.edu_
http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/fayad *Mr. Haitham S. Hamza (Co-Chair)*
Computer Science & Engineering Dept.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
256 Avery Hall, P.O. Box 880115, Lincoln, NE 68588-0115
Ph: (402) 472-3485 (office)
E-mail: _hhamza(a)cse.unl.edu_
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: ICME 2005 Call for Participation
Datum: Wed, 18 May 2005 16:32:15 -0400
Von: ieee-enotice(a)ieee.org
Antwort an: v.kohler(a)ieee.org
An: gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at
Referenzen: <A11164483361301844653.gustaf.neumann(a)wu-wien.ac.at>
Due to the mailing lists being used, you may receive this message multiple times.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
ICME 2005
Website: http://www.icme2005.org
July 6-8, 2005,
NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky,
The Netherlands
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) is a major annual
international conference organized with the objective of bringing together
researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and
industry working in all areas of multimedia. ICME serves as a forum for the
dissemination of state-of-the-art research, development, and
implementations of multimedia systems, technologies, and applications.
The conference program contains 190 oral presentations selected out of 850
submissions from 65 countries. In addition, there are 190 poster
presentations and 4 special sessions on e-lectures & e-meetings, emotion
detection, sports, and enterprise streaming. There are 8 tutorials on the
Tuesday preceding the conference, together with one pre-conference event:
Visual 2005 Conference. The expo has drawn 8 exhibitors. The ICME'2005
features three distinguished keynote speeches in man-machine interaction,
sensor databases and networks, and multimedia industrial research.
Past conferences were held in New York City, NY, USA (2000), Tokyo, Japan
(2001), Lausanne, Switzerland (2002), Baltimore, MD, USA (2003) and Taipei,
Taiwan (2004).
Previous conferences have attracted computer scientists, strategists,
librarians, digital library researchers, government information providers,
publishers, and content specialists from a broad cross-section of
sectors and disciplines. Typically, there is an equal mix of university
and industry attendees.
Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands, is a small city by European
standards (population 750.000) but one of the most charming and delightful
towns of Europe. It possesses the largest historical inner city of Europe,
with beautiful monumental buildings and an extensive web of canals. The
city can easily be explored on foot: museums, theatres, shopping streets,
monuments, open air markets and most other features of interest are
generally within walking distance of one another. The city is famous for
its 17th century canals: a boat trip along the canals is a special
experience. Amsterdam is one of the leading cultural centers of Europe,
with a high concentration of famous museums, including the Rijksmuseum, the
Stedelijk Museum, the Van Gogh Museum and the Anne Frank House. Other
cultural attractions include the Diamantslijperijen (diamond cutting
establishments) and the Rembrandt House.
The conference takes place at NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam, the
Netherlands. What once began, as a coffeehouse became the largest, grandest
five star hotel in the Netherlands. NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky has 468
rooms, including 1 tower suite, 6 junior suites and 36 apartments, a
congress center with a capacity up to 2.000 persons, the historical Winter
Garden, the monumental Restaurant Reflet that dates from 1883 and the
Japanese Restaurant Edo & Kyo. Herewith NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky has
created its own "Village on the Dam" that still carries the romantic aura
of the earlier golden years.
Registration covers attendance at the conference, proceedings, and
refreshments. Graduate students and IEEE members qualify for discounts.
The fees are (in euros):
Early fee till 30 April 2005
IEEE Member 470.00
Non-member 725.00
Student-IEEE member 190.00
Student non-member 280.00
Late fee
IEEE Member 640.00
Non-member 975.00
Student-IEEE member 240.00
Student non-member 330.00
Tutorial fee (half day) 185.00
Full details of the program, together with registration forms, are
available at the conference website: www.icme2005.org
Manage your subscription at: