Forwarded message from [grdrz(a)CAMPUS.CEM.ITESM.MX (Guillermo Rodriguez Abitia)] sent originally on Wed, 3 May 2000 22:10:33 -0500:
: This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
: --------------1791602A1AA2A3B406C74681
: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
: Dear ISWorlders,
: Even though the deadline for submission to the general CLEI conference
: is gone, submissions are still opened for the Congress for Higher
: Education on Informatics and the Master's Degree Theses Competition.
: Please keep in mind the deadline is May 19th... see you in Mexico!
: XXVI Latin American Conference on Informatics
: VIII Ibero American Congress for Higher Education on Informatics
: VII CLEI UNESCO Masters Degree Theses Competition
: VISUAL 2000
: September 18-22, 2000
: Mexico
: The Latin American Center for Studies on Informatics (CLEI) is a
: non-profit organization that gathers more than 50 Latin American
: universities and research centers in the area of Informatics. The CLEI
: was born in Chile in 1974 and, ever since, it holds an annual conference
: known as CLEI, which provides the means for knowledge exchange between
: Latin American researchers aiming at spreading and supporting the
: regional development on Information Systems and Computer Science.
: The XXVI Latin American Conference on Informatics will be held in
: Mexico, from September 18th through September 22nd, 2000, under the
: local organization of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores
: de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México (ITESM-CEM).
: This is the last call to submit manuscripts. The papers should be
: original, related to relevant subjects on research and applications of
: Informatics, neither previously published nor submitted to publication
: in versions substantially the same. The articles will be evaluated
: according to criteria on originality, clarity and contribution to the
: Informatics field. The accepted articles, whose authors compromise their
: attendance to the conference, will be published in the conference
: proceedings. Also there is a poster session in that addresses results
: and projects under development and that will be presented during the
: conference. The posters will not be published in the proceedings.
: Original papers should be submitted in PostScript or pdf format through
: the web page Two documents should be sent: an
: abstract and the complete paper. The uploading process is described in
: detail in the web page previously mentioned. Moreover, personal
: information and an abstract of the authors curricula should be provided.
: After submission, the author will receive via email a reference number
: to verify the status of reception, acceptance or rejection of the paper.
: Papers can also be submitted via electronic mail to
: clei2000(a)
: For submission of papers or posters, it is not necessary to belong to
: any particular Institution. The Program Committee will evaluate the
: papers and posters and notify the authors about the admission or
: rejection through the CLEI2000 web page.
: Papers should be formatted with the following information (a template in
: LaTex and MSWord can be downloaded form the CLEI2000 web page):
: 1. Language: Spanish, English or Portuguese.
: 2. Paper Size: 81/2" x 11" (letter USA).
: 3. Papers must not exceed 12 pages, including the abstract. The
: abstract should contain no more than
: 130 words. A maximum of 6 pages per poster is allowed.
: 4. Margins: superior 3.5 cm.; inferior, left and right 2 cm.
: 5. Format: justified text (right and left), unnumbered pages.
: Fonts: Times 12 for text and Times 14 for titles. The first page must
: include: title and complete name of authors, affiliation and addresses,
: an abstract and a list of keywords taken for the areas proposed in this
: document.
: Chair:
: Luis Angel Trejo
: Juan López, Verónica Mendoza, Guillermo Rodríguez, Eduardo García,
: Francisco Camargo, Gabriela Ruede, Ramón Valencia, Ociel Flores, Antonio
: Guerra, Nuri Espinoza, Juan Carlos López, Anabel Parada, Verónica Tena,
: Eduadro Lazarín, Rodrigo Pérez, Humberto Cárdenas, Enrique Navarrete
: Chair:
: Eduardo García
: Local Program Committee:
: Marcelo Mejía, ITAM
: Roberto Gómez, ITESM Campus Estado de México
: Jesús Gutiérrez, ITESM Campus Toluca
: Juan Corona, ITESM Campus Guadalajara
: Roberto Valdivia, ITESM Campus Morelos
: José Hernández, ITESM Campus Querétaro
: David Alanis, ITESM Campus Monterrey
: Rosa Cantón, ITESM Campus Ciudad de México
: Victor de la Cueva, ITESM Campus Central Veracruz
: Jesús Savage, DEPFI UNAM
: José Madrid, IPN ESCOM
: Carretera Lago de Guadalupe Km. 3.5
: Atizapán de Zaragoza
: 52926 Estado de México
: México
: e-mail: clei2000(a)
: www: htp://
: Tel. (52) 5864 5657
: fax (52) 5864 5557
: Submission deadline:
: May 19th (Only for CIESC and UNESCO Theses competition)
: Notification of acceptance:
: June 19, 2000
: CLEI 2000 conference:
: September 18-22, 2000
: --------------1791602A1AA2A3B406C74681
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: url:
: org:División de Ingeniería y Arquitectura;Director del Departamento de Sistemas de Información
: adr:;;Apartado Postal 6-3, Módulo de Servicio Postal;Atizapán de Zaragoza;Edo. de México;52926;México
: version:2.1
: email;
: title:ITESM Campus Estado de México
: fn:Dr. Guillermo Rodríguez Abitia
: end:vcard
: --------------1791602A1AA2A3B406C74681--
: ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer =====
: ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
: ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives,
: subscribing, or posting "norms" see
: ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [sicstus-users(a) ] sent originally on Wed, 03 May 2000 10:21:41 +0200:
: First Workshop on Rule-Based Constraint Reasoning and Programming
: Half day during July 24-28, 2000, Imperial College, London, UK
: at the First International Conference on Computational Logic (CL2000)
: Rule-based formalisms are ubiquitous in computer science, and even
: more so in constraint reasoning and programming. In constraint
: reasoning, algorithms are often specified using inference rules, proof
: rules, rewrite rules, sequents or logical axioms. Advanced
: programming languages like CHR, CLAIRE and ELAN allow the
: implementation both constraint solvers and programs using constraints
: in a rule-based formalism.
: The workshop invites papers describing ongoing work in using
: rule-based formalisms in constraint reasoning and programming. In
: particular, on specification of algorithms for solving constraints by
: rules and on implementations of constraint solvers and programs
: solving problems in a novel way using rule-based programming languages
: that go beyond constraint logic programming, as well as on analysis of
: rule-based programs and other issues related to rule-based language
: design and implementation.
: To submit, send an email to fruehwir(a) with
: the subject line "CL2000 rules" containing three ASCII lines with
: title, author(s) and WWW link to compressed postscript file (5-15
: pages). Accepted papers will be published in hard-copy proceedings
: (available at the workshop) and in electronic form at the Computing
: Research Repository (CoRR).
: Organisation
: Thom Frühwirth
: Slim Abdennadher
: Krzysztof Apt
: Yves Caseau
: Joxan Jaffar
: Helene Kirchner
: Important Dates
: May 15, 2000: Paper submissions
: June 10, 2000: Acceptance decisions
: July 1, 2000: Final version due
: July 24-28, 2000: Conference and workshop days
: The final workshop programme schedule will be coordinated with the UK
: Constraint Network (Consnet) Annual Workshop.
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [zahirt(a) (Zahir Tari)] sent originally on Fri, 28 Apr 2000 14:46:00 +1000 (EST):
: C A L L F O R P A P E R S
: =============================
: ___ __ __ __ __
: | | | | | | / | || | International Symposium on
: _|_| |__| | | |__||__| Antwerp, Belgium, September 21-23, 2000
: Are you building applications using distributed objects (DO)?
: Are you doing research in fundamental technology, methodology
: or new tools for DO?
: Are you using some of the existing distributed object systems?
: Consider contributing a practice report or a research paper to this
: innovative event, and to present, discuss and obtain feedback for your
: ideas among other practitioners and researchers active in the same area.
: During DOA'2000 Symposium we want attendees to be able to evaluate
: existing ORB middleware products; to analyze, and propose solutions
: to major limitations of existing products; and to indicate promising
: future research directions for distributed objects. We are particularly
: interested in the evaluation of existing distributed object systems
: and how they are used to design and to implement large scale industrial
: distributed applications. We are seeking theoretical as well as
: practical papers addressing innovative issues related to distributed
: objects.
: Distributed and mobile agents. Design patterns for distributed object
: design. Database services, in particular persistency, transaction, query.
: and replication services. Integration of distributed object and Web
: technologies. Integration with database systems and interfaces. Methodologies
: to develop distributed object applications. Reintegration of legacy systems
: in DO environments . Design of CORBA, COM- and Java-based broker applications.
: Multimedia distributed objects. Multicast protocols for distributed objects.
: Object caching. Reliability, fault-tolerance and recovery. Real-time ORB
: middleware. Reports on Best Practice. Security. Specification and enforcement
: of quality of service. Standardization of distributed objects. ...
: Electronic submission: May 1st, 2000
: Notification of acceptance: June 10th, 2000
: Camera-ready copies: June 30th, 2000
: Symposium: September 21-23, 2000
: All submissions must be in English. Research submissions must not exceed
: 8,000 words. Practice reports must not exceed 5,000 words. Submissions can
: either be in Postscript or HTML format and should be sent to
: Zahir Tari at zahirt(a)
: More details about submissions can be found at
: Liselore Berghman (UFSIA, Belgium), Pranab Baruah (Boeing, USA), Pamela Drew
: (Boeing, USA), Robert Meersman (VUB, Belgium), Zahir Tari (RMIT, Australia)
: Roberto Zicari (JWGU, Germany), Liz Ungar (Boeing, USA)
: Gustavo Alonso (ETH, Zurich). Bill Appelbe (RMIT, Australia). Sean Baker (IONA, Ireland)
: Carlos De Backer (University of Antwerp, Belgium). Jose Blakeley (Microsoft, USA).
: Gordon Blair (Lancaster University, UK). Anthony Bloesch (Visio Corp., USA).
: Omran Bukhres (Purdue University, USA). Akmal B. Chaudhri (Computer Associates, UK).
: Asuman Dogac (Middle East Technical University, Turkey). Chris Gokey (NASA, USA).
: Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL, Switzerland). Arno Jacobsen (Humboldt University, Germany).
: Dimitris Karagiannis (University of Vienna and B.O.C. GmbH, Austria).
: Roger King (University of Colorado, USA). Sacha Krakowiak (University of Grenoble,
: France). Bernd Kramer (FernUniversitat Hagen, Germany). Hong Va Leong
: (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China). Ling Liu (Oregon Graduate Institute, USA).
: Frank Manola (USA). Sophie Monties (EPFL, Switzerland). Jishnu Mukerji
: (HP New Jersey Labs, USA). Tom Northcutt (NASA, USA). Kunio Ohno (INS Engineering
: Corporation, Japan). Tamer Ozsu (University of Alberta, Canada). Mike P. Papazoglou
: (Tilburg University, The Netherlands). Kerry Raymond (DSTC, Australia). Arnie
: Rosenthal (Mitre, USA). Richard Soley (OMG, USA). Marc H. Scholl
: (Universitat Konstanz, Germany). Jean-Bernard Stefani (France Telecom, France).
: Doug Schmidt (Washington Univ. at St. Louis, USA). Makoto Takizawa
: (Tokyo Denki University, Japan). Hakki Toroslu (Middle East Technical University,
: Turkey). Yu-Chee Tseng (National Central University, Taiwan).
: Wilfried Verachtert (MediaGenix, Belgium). Andreas Vogel (In Prise, USA).
: Guijun Wang (Boeing, USA). Andrew Watson (OMG, USA). Albert Zamoya (UWA, Australia).
: --
: Mailing-Liste: GI-FB5-L(a)
: Administrator: GI-FB5-L-admin(a)
: Konfiguration:
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [ARagowsky(a)AOL.COM] sent originally on Fri, 28 Apr 2000 12:12:51 EDT:
: Guest Editors:
: Arik A. Ragowsky and Toni M. Somers
: Department of Information System and Manufacturing
: School of Business Administration
: Wayne State University, Detroit MI
: The Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) invites researchers to
: contribute to a special section on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is
: a generic term for an integrated enterprise computing system that offers an
: overall view of the business and provides multi-dimensional information for
: its operation and management. The fundamental purpose is to integrate the
: business and support managerial decision making.
: Very little academic research has been done on ERP. We aim to provide a
: solid foundation for further work with this special section. The manuscripts'
: primary focus will be on understanding organizational issues associated with
: initiating, implementing and institutionalizing an ERP from both academic
: research and business/IS practitioner standpoints. Each submission must
: provide significant new insight into the development, assimilation, or
: impacts of ERP systems. Research that scientifically explores the impact of
: ERP on organizational alignment, decision support, organizational learning,
: infrastructure issues, outsourcing, competitive advantage, compatibility with
: task and technology characteristics, and renting ERP software via the Web, is
: actively sought for the special section. All manuscripts must be original
: works and be grounded in research and theory.
: Examples of the types of topics sought for the Special Section include (but
: are not limited to) the following:
: Business Strategies, Processes and IT Needs:
: - Does a company need to change its business processes so it is able to deploy
: the new system? If so, do these changes involve major or minor processes?
: What impact do these changes have on an organization's operations?
: - Is ERP an effective business strategy for most companies to pursue?
: - How do companies without ERP systems compare to companies with ERP
: systems (e.g. performance, operational efficiencies)?
: - Are organizational needs similar and therefore can one ERP package suit
: most
: of them or is there a need for different types of ERP packages to address
: different information needs?
: Value added:
: - What are the benefits an organization may gain by using ERP? Can these
: benefits be gained by every organization that uses ERP or are there
: specific
: conditions that must be present to realize the benefits?
: - Do all sizes of companies gain the same benefits by using ERP? Do they
: experience the same difficulties with ERP (as they relate to planning,
: evaluating
: and selecting, implementing, and utilizing)?
: - What impact does ERP have on an organization's performance (for example,
: profitability and market share)? Under what circumstances? Do
: organizational characteristics contribute in any way to the value ERP adds
: to
: the organization?
: Implementation:
: - Study organizations that have reported successful and unsuccessful
: implementations. Identify the impact on company strategy, structure,
: organizational culture, and business processes and procedures. If
: structured
: methods were used in the ERP projects, what impact did it have on various
: organizational characteristics?
: - What are the conditions for successful implementation of ERP systems by
: organizations pursuing a supply chain management (SCM) strategy
: (identification of organizational and technological implementation
: issues)?
: - What characteristics define a successful ERP implementation? What factors
: contribute to the success or failure of ERP implementation?
: - What is the role of the ERP software vendor within the organization? Does
: it
: impact on the success of ERP implementation?
: New Trends:
: - What are the evolutionary or revolutionary directions of ERP?
: - How effectively can ERP software be rented or downloaded from the Web?
: - What are the risks and opportunities of linking ERP to the supply chain and
: customers of the organization?
: The due date for submitting papers is June 15, 2000. We plan to submit the
: accepted papers to the editor-in-chief by November/December 2000. Initially,
: all papers will be rated for their contribution, interest and overall
: suitability to the special section. Authors will be notified if their papers
: are inappropriate for publication here. Manuscripts initially rated as
: appropriate for publication in the special section will be strictly refereed
: based on the standards of JMIS. Five (5) copies of the double-spaced
: manuscript, with abstract and authors' biographies, are required. Submit
: manuscripts to:
: Arik A. Ragowsky, Ph.D. or Toni M. Somers, Ph.D.
: Department of Information Systems and Manufacturing
: School of Business Administration
: 100 RANDS House
: Wayne State University
: Detroit, MI 48202
: 313-577-7838 or 313-577-9144
: E-mail to: aragowsky(a) or a.somers(a)
: ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer =====
: ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
: ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives,
: subscribing, or posting "norms" see
: ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [simeon(a)ARCH.USYD.EDU.AU (Simeon Simoff)] sent originally on Mon, 1 May 2000 15:38:04 +1000:
: Two weeks to the deadline !!!!!!
: =========================
: Workshop on "Advances in Conceptual Modeling in Design"
: In conjunction with 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
: in Design'00, 26-29 June 2000, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester,
: near Boston,
: Massachusetts, USA
: 25 June 2000
: The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing
: an on-going state-of-the-art research and applications in conceptual
: modeling as part of the artificial intelligence methodologies in design. The
: variety of semantic design data and knowledge modeling (including
: entity-relationship and object-oriented modeling), design process and
: product modeling, and modeling for Web-based design environments are only
: part of conceptual modeling in design. Conceptual modeling methods provide
: the necessary framework for the representation of design information in all
: design domains.
: Conceptual modeling in a domain such as design has to take into account the
: concepts of various disciplines with different conceptual concerns. For
: example, in the building design architects are concerned with spaces and
: form, engineers with energy control and flow of forces and constructors with
: elemental and time concepts.
: Other disciplines with concerns include facilities management and even
: occupational therapists. This workshop is an attempt to bring together
: experts in the field of conceptual modeling in design and domain experts
: from different applied disciplines related to design, who are dealing with
: different aspects of conceptual modeling.
: For more information visit the workshop website at:
: http://www.arch.usyd.EDU.AU/~simeon/acmd_aid00/
: ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer =====
: ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
: ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives,
: subscribing, or posting "norms" see
: ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)
Forwarded message from [schoop(a)INFORMATIK.RWTH-AACHEN.DE (Mareike Schoop)] sent originally on Mon, 1 May 2000 13:54:20 +0200:
: The Fifth International Workshop on the
: Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling
: -- LAP 2000 --
: 14 - 16 September 2000, Aachen, Germany
: 20 years of Language-Action Perspective:
: Time to look back - time to move forward
: ________________________________________________________________________________
: Important Dates *** NEW DEADLINES ***
: Submission of papers 22 May 2000
: Submission of posters 19 June 2000
: Notification of acceptance 03 July 2000
: Submission of final version 01 August 2000
: ________________________________________________________________________________
: Objectives
: Information technology has seen radical changes in the last two decades
: with systems to support cooperation and communication playing an
: ever-increasing role. In today's society, communication is present in many
: different facets, e.g. face-to-face dialogues, telephone conversations,
: email messages, information exchanges of agents, or negotiation in
: Electronic Commerce. Communication is the key to smooth cooperation.
: Individuals working in groups coordinate their actions through
: communication. Communication modelling has been studied for more than two
: decades. Since 1980 a new paradigm has evolved in the field of information
: systems which emphasises the importance of communication in an
: organisational context: The Language-Action Perspective (LAP) which argues
: that language is not only used for exchanging information as in reports,
: statements etc. but also to perform actions, e.g. promises, orders,
: declarations. The LAP approach states that as social action is mediated
: through communication, one of the main roles of an information system
: should be to support intra- and inter-organisational communication.
: In Electronic Commerce (EC), messages are exchanged between companies that
: might come from different countries or even different continents.
: Therefore, inter- organisational communication plays a key role in EC. It
: is vital that the messages are unambiguous and that the resulting
: obligations are clear for all business partners. The area of electronic
: commerce is one of the main challenges of LAP in the new millennium.
: Therefore, one focus of the workshop will be on research dealing with
: Electronic Commerce.
: Twenty years of LAP are a good occasion for looking back to the beginnings
: and for assessing what has been done in the past. What assumptions are
: still valid? What needs to be adapted? More importantly, two decades of
: LAP are a good reason to move forward and assess what LAP has to offer for
: work in current lines of research such as E-Commerce, intelligent systems,
: or new system architectures. Why is LAP more or less appropriate in
: certain contexts? These are questions that will be addressed in the
: workshop.
: ________________________________________________________________________________
: Call for Submissions
: We encourage submissions concerning all topics related to the
: Language-Action
: Perspective and communication modelling, including (but not limited to)
: the
: following:
: * Electronic Commerce
: * System architectures
: * Intelligent agents
: * Practical experiences with LAP
: * Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
: * Document Management
: * Process Modelling
: * Organisational Semiotics
: * Formal aspects
: * Empirical Modelling
: * Reassessment of LAP
: * Theoretical underpinnings of LAP
: * Comparisons of LAP with other theories and approaches
: Submissions can have the following forms
: * Full research papers should describe innovative and original research in
: any of the above or related topics. Submissions are limited to 15 pages.
: * Posters should address academic or industrial approaches, including work
: in progress, related to the workshop theme. We particularly want to
: encourage junior researchers to submit their work in this category.
: Submissions are limited to 4 pages.
: ________________________________________________________________________________
: Programme Committee
: Chair: Mareike Schoop, Aachen University of Technology (Germany)
: Jens Allwood, Goeteborg University (Sweden)
: Jan Dietz, Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
: Frank Dignum, Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands)
: Owen Eriksson, Dalarna University (Sweden)
: Goeran Goldkuhl, Linkoeping University(Sweden)
: Ronald Lee, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
: Jan Ljungberg, Goeteborg University (Sweden)
: Kalle Lyytinen, University of Jyvaeskylae (Finland)
: Ian McChesney, University of Ulster (UK)
: Raul Medina-Mora, Action Technologies (USA)
: Wolfgang Prinz, GMD FIT (Germany)
: Victor van Reijswoud, Devote (Netherlands)
: Carla Simone, University of Turin (Italy)
: Yao-Hua Tan, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
: James Taylor, University of Montreal (Canada)
: Hans Weigand, Tilburg University (Netherlands)
: Guy Widdershoven, Maastricht University (Netherlands)
: Terry Winograd, Stanford University (USA)
: Carson Woo, University of British Columbia (Canada)
: Organising Committee
: Chair: Christoph Quix, Aachen University of Technology
: Irene Wicke, Aachen University of Technology
: ________________________________________________________________________________
: Further Information
: Enquiries can be made to lap2000(a)
: ÿÿStart of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ
: ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
: ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives,
: subscribing, or posting "norms" see
: ÿÿEnd of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ
Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen
Gustaf.Neumann(a), neumann(a)