[Xotcl] Re: Status of the bugs I reported/could people resend their replies to those bugs

Jeff Hobbs jeffh at ActiveState.com
Tue Apr 6 20:51:40 CEST 2004


> As far as I've been able to determine, the tclsh which is 
> called has to be able to find the libxotcl thing. Apparantly, 
> not every tclsh I have is able to do that, so I looked closely at the 
> SC_PROG_TCLSH macro (having traced the problem down to that 
> macro) and noticed that it doesn't try to use the tclsh 
> specified in the supplied tclConfig.sh, which as far as I 
> know is the only correct choice (should use the tclsh linked 
> to the same libs that were 
> used in the build process of xotcl, and that can find the modules).

This is not correct, and indicates a problem elsewhere in the
xotcl make/test stuff.  I see that it still uses the older TEA
stuff though, which might be the core problem (SC_* macros were
done away with a couple of years ago).

The TEA_PROG_TCLSH looks at TCL_BIN_DIR (specified in
tclConfig.sh), then the exec_prefix, prefix, and finally the
regular path.  This is the right ordering, as it is better to
find the installed version first.  It's still based off the

  Jeff Hobbs, The Tcl Guy
  http://www.ActiveState.com/, a division of Sophos

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