Thanks a lot for your thorough explanation!
I tend to think in "invariants" and I memorized that having a method specialized this way
C instproc someMethod {args} { next }
should leave my program invariant with respect to functionality.
But this obviously has the exception of getter/setter methods.
Regards, - Florian
-----Original Message----- From: Gustaf Neumann [] Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 4:15 PM To: Murr, Florian Cc: Subject: Re: [Xotcl] Is this a bug?
Murr, Florian schrieb:
Yes, you are right, I overload the setter/getter method and expected naively that it just prints the puts-statement and works otherwise unchanged. [Should have read the manual more properly, I guess :-)]
for each parameter a method for getting and setting variables registered. This method is a "instparametercmd" implemented in C, which is very similar to the set method. This can be as well explained with the forwarder, which could be used to implement the *parametercmds
Class C C instforward x %self set %proc
now a method named x is defined, that calls "[self] set x" when issued. eg.
C c1 c1 x 123
here "c1 set x 123" is called, or in the following line "c1 set x" is issued.
puts [c1 x]
This behavior is more or less identical to
Class C C instparametercmd x
or to
Class C -parameter x
therefore, the instparamtercmd is strictly speaking not needed, but predates instforward and is slightly faster, since everything is in C. The parameters do more, since they can be used to provide as well default values which are used during initialization of objects.
anyhow, in all cases a method named "x" is defined. When you define an instproc named x
Class C C instproc x args {...}
you will overwrite the method "x", in a similar manner as you can overwrite any tcl command, e.g proc if args { ...}
Therefore, there is no chance to do a next in these cases, because the class has now the new method (instproc) instead of the c-level implementation we had earlier.
Furthermore "next" works only when methods are shadowed, when a same-named method is defined by a class/object earlier in the precedence order. This can be achieved e.g. via mixins or filters.
therefore, in your example
X instproc y {args} { puts "[self] y '$args'" my instvar y if {[llength $args]} { set y [lindex $args 0] } next }
the "next" is not doing anything useful, you should replace the last line of your instproc by e.g. "return $y", such that .... [x1 y] ... works
hope this explains, how this works...
-gustaf neumann
Dear Florian,
whatever you define as parameter for a class C is defined as a method for Class C. This method can be only be specialized by some other classes. This is the same for all methods, therefore there is no exception for parameters. My feeling was, that your misconeption was that a parameter is something magic (e.g. not a method), but this is not the case.
best regards -gustaf neumann
Murr, Florian schrieb:
Thanks a lot for your thorough explanation!
I tend to think in "invariants" and I memorized that having a method specialized this way
C instproc someMethod {args} { next }
should leave my program invariant with respect to functionality.
But this obviously has the exception of getter/setter methods.
- Florian