The following (incorrect) usage will cause a crash:
***** % o attribute {a v} ::o::a % o::a #Incorrect usage Segmentation fault *****
The next one, however, does not crash:
***** % Object create o ::o % o attribute {a v} ::o::a % o a # Correct usage first v % o::a # Incorrect usage can't read "o::a": no such variable while executing "o::a" % *****
This is fixed in the git repository... -gustaf
On 14.04.11 01:52, Victor Mayevski wrote:
The following (incorrect) usage will cause a crash:
% o attribute {a v} ::o::a % o::a #Incorrect usage Segmentation fault
The next one, however, does not crash:
% Object create o ::o % o attribute {a v} ::o::a % o a # Correct usage first v % o::a # Incorrect usage can't read "o::a": no such variable while executing "o::a" %