I wasn't sure if you guys were still monitoring the thread.
----- Forwarded by Michael Lenaghan/frogware inc. on 04/27/2004 05:46 PM -----
starkit-bounces@equi4.com wrote on 04/27/2004 02:40:21 PM:
On Tuesday, April 27, 2004, at 11:29 AM, Tom Krehbiel wrote:
My vision for the future is this:
- The TCT invite both Uwe Zdun and Will Duquette to become members of
the TCT and give them the responsibility of adding an OO system to the
- A Tcl/Tk version number is established as the point of insertion for
the new OO capability.
XOtcl is selected as the base OO system and is added to core Tcl.
Will works with Uwe and developments an OO mega widget system for Tk
and it is added to core Tk.
(stepping out of the shadows for a moment...)
I think this is an awesome list of suggestions. OO-in-Tcl has been talked about seemingly forever. For a while it looked like ITcl would be the implementation that ended the debate, but it's obvious there is no longer a champion (with spare time, anyway) to make it happen.
This situation reminds me of my Red Cross first aid training of many moons ago. The instructor taught that if you're surrounded by onlookers and need help, don't say "Hey, somebody call an ambulance" because everyone is hoping or expecting someone else will do it. Instead, point a finger directly at someone, look them in the eye and say "You! You call an ambulance!".
I think we've been crying "Somebody call an ambulance" for quite some time now. If Will and Uwe are up to the task, I think they should be given the power to make it happen for 8.5. I'll even toss my hat into the ring. I don't have the time to dig into the XOTcl or SNIT internals to make it happen, but if XOTcl and SNIT or a SNIT successor made it into the core I'd find time to write a full blown, real world megawidget example using them and have it ready to ship at the same time.
-- Bryan Oakley bryan at bitmover dot com
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