i fixed it so i can run my exe file from the desktop for my tcl script created in visual tcl that uses xotcl code.
here are the steps to do this:
after the tcl project file is saved in tcl open it in notepad. you will see this line of code that starts... at the top of the project tcl file
if {![info exists vTcl(sourcing)]} {
#add this code below this comment lappend auto_path "C:/Program Files/Tcl/lib/xotcl1.1/xotcl"
if you are using notepad choose file save as and put quotes around the project tcl file. choose file type all files from the drop down in the save as window. # as always before overwriting make sure you have a backup file. save and overwrite.
now you have to manually freewrap the file. copy your project file to c:\program files\vTcl\freewrap\windows\bin directory. this way the project file is now in the same directory as the freewrap.exe file.
choose start run and type this... "C:\Program Files\vTcl\freewrap\windows\bin\freewrap.exe" elevator5.tcl substitute the name of your project tcl file instead of elevator5.tcl click ok
an exe file should now be created called something like elevator5.exe.
now you can create a shortcut to the desktop if you like.
hope this helps. thanks, marvin