Hi all,
FYI, we'll have a XOTcl Tutorial scheduled at the 2. European Tcl Conference.
There are still some open slot ... so there's still a chance to present your XOTcl applications :) Just send an abstract to Carsten Zerbst (zerbst@tu-harburg.de).
---------- Fwd ---------- Subject: European Tcl/Tk User Meeting Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 17:17:52 +0100 From: Carsten Zerbst zerbst@tu-harburg.de
Dear Ladies and Gentleman,
this is the a preliminary schedule for the Tcl/Tk User Meeting. I still need some papers and a speaker for the keynote.
Bye, Carsten
-- Dipl. Ing. Carsten Zerbst | Come to the
| 2. European Tcl Conference 2001 !
zerbst@tu-harburg.de | http://www.tu-harburg.de/~skfcz | http://www.tu-harburg.de/skf/tcltk