Hello, I have an issue I can't understand. On my naviserver I have a global tcl module, inside init.tcl I have defined a scripted value checker for uuid:
::nx::Slot method type=uuid {name value} {
set pattern {^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$} if {![regexp $pattern $value]} { error "Value '$value' of parameter $name is not UUID" } return $value }
I have a class definition in like:
::nx::Class create eFaturaClass -superclass ::oodz::baseObj {
:property {company:object,required} :property {uuid:uuid,required} :property {doc_type:integer,required}
:method init {} { ....
.... }
But when im trying to create an object it gives me an error like:
::eFaturaClass create ef -company ::companyObj -doc_type 1 -uuid 0dbd469a-
method 'type=uuid' unknown for slot ::eFaturaClass::slot::uuid; valid are: {definition destroy getParameterSpec getPropertyDefinitionOptions onError parameter reconfigure setCheckedInstVar value=add value=delete value=exists value=get v alue=set value=unset}
It looks like I'm doing something wrong, thank you.
Hi Maksym,
The blueprint of NaviServer does not contain the system namespaces (tcl, nx, xotcl), unless exporting of particular methods is explicitly requested from the serializer class via "::Serializer exportMethods { ... }".
Check out
and search e.g. for "type=range"
All the best
On 18.02.24 20:40, Maksym Zinchenko wrote:
Hello, I have an issue I can't understand. On my naviserver I have a global tcl module, inside init.tcl I have defined a scripted value checker for uuid:
::nx::Slot method type=uuid {name value} {
set pattern {^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$} if {![regexp $pattern $value]} { error "Value '$value' of parameter $name is not UUID" } return $value }
I have a class definition in like:
::nx::Class create eFaturaClass -superclass ::oodz::baseObj {
:property {company:object,required} :property {uuid:uuid,required} :property {doc_type:integer,required}
:method init {} { ....
.... }
But when im trying to create an object it gives me an error like:
::eFaturaClass create ef -company ::companyObj -doc_type 1 -uuid 0dbd469a-
method 'type=uuid' unknown for slot ::eFaturaClass::slot::uuid; valid are: {definition destroy getParameterSpec getPropertyDefinitionOptions onError parameter reconfigure setCheckedInstVar value=add value=delete value=exists value=get v alue=set value=unset}
It looks like I'm doing something wrong, thank you. _______________________________________________ Xotcl mailing list Xotcl@alice.wu.ac.at http://alice.wu.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/xotcl
Hi Maksym,
The blueprint of NaviServer does not contain the system namespaces (tcl, nx, xotcl), unless exporting of particular methods is explicitly requested from the serializer class via "::Serializer exportMethods { ... }".
Check out
and search e.g. for "type=range"
All the best
On 18.02.24 20:40, Maksym Zinchenko wrote:
Hello, I have an issue I can't understand. On my naviserver I have a global tcl module, inside init.tcl I have defined a scripted value checker for uuid:
::nx::Slot method type=uuid {name value} {
set pattern {^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$} if {![regexp $pattern $value]} { error "Value '$value' of parameter $name is not UUID" } return $value }
I have a class definition in like:
::nx::Class create eFaturaClass -superclass ::oodz::baseObj {
:property {company:object,required} :property {uuid:uuid,required} :property {doc_type:integer,required}
:method init {} { ....
.... }
But when im trying to create an object it gives me an error like:
::eFaturaClass create ef -company ::companyObj -doc_type 1 -uuid 0dbd469a-
method 'type=uuid' unknown for slot ::eFaturaClass::slot::uuid; valid are: {definition destroy getParameterSpec getPropertyDefinitionOptions onError parameter reconfigure setCheckedInstVar value=add value=delete value=exists value=get v alue=set value=unset}
It looks like I'm doing something wrong, thank you. _______________________________________________ Xotcl mailing list Xotcl@alice.wu.ac.at http://alice.wu.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/xotcl