Can anyone explain why this program:
package require XOTcl namespace import xotcl::*
proc ns {} {return "global"} proc examine {} {puts "[ns] EXAMINE"}
Class Outer Outer instproc test {} {return [examine]}
namespace eval inner { proc ns {} {return "inner"} proc examine {} {puts "[ns] examine"}
Class Inner Inner instproc test {} {return [examine]} }
Outer o o test
inner::Inner i i test
namespace eval inner { ::o test ::i test }
produces this output:
global EXAMINE global EXAMINE inner examine inner examine
I've defined the class 'Inner' within the namespace 'inner'. I'd expect that proc in methods defined within that namespace should first look within that namespace before looking in the global namespace. Instead, they look in the namespace currently in use when a method call is made. (Note how ::o test picks up the definition of inner::examine when invoked from the inner namespace.)
This is the opposite behavior of how Tcl proc calls work -- when I land on inner::examine, the [ns] is actually shorthand for inner::ns, not ::ns.
I'm guessing there's a good reason for this behavior, but I can't seem to find it in the docs.
-- Adam