The Integrated Development Environment for XOTcl The new version of XOTclIDE is ready on http://www.xdobry.de/xotclide
The Changes from last annouced Version 0.22
- tcl-mode editing automatic ident with braces search (by inserting new tcl code) selecting braces areas by double-cklick directly after open brace (good for understand tcl list structures) - support of using xotclIDE without mouse (tabulator, better tk list support) - mixin wizard by object inspector (customize object mixins per GUI) - show all available methods in object inspector (by using info methods) - class tracker updated for xotcl 0.9 - tracking of objects (method Object>trackOn) - component rename function - object browser extended - automatic importing of xotcl project from source files (tested on xoRBAC)
have fun
Artur Trzewik