Alexis Gambis, a student having spent his Internship with us at Pasteur, has just finished his project : Interaction between the User and Heijne's membrane topology prediction algorithm Toppred
We thought that the mixin technique could be useful to enhance the interaction between user and algorithm by the mean of supplemental user input taken into account without modifying the algorithm.
His results are summarized here: http://www-alt.pasteur.fr/~letondal/biok/usermixin.html
On Saturday 14 July 2001 08:10, Catherine Letondal wrote:
Alexis Gambis, a student having spent his Internship with us at Pasteur, has just finished his project : Interaction between the User and Heijne's membrane topology prediction algorithm Toppred
We thought that the mixin technique could be useful to enhance the interaction between user and algorithm by the mean of supplemental user input taken into account without modifying the algorithm.
His results are summarized here: http://www-alt.pasteur.fr/~letondal/biok/usermixin.html
Allthough i have to commit that i do not really understand the biologigal background, and therefore it is very hard for me to comprehend the need for user adaptability, ... the paper looks very nice!
I have included it in the application list on www.xotcl.org.
best regards -gustaf neumann