Dear Tuyen,
Most likely, you want something like the following (see below). Adding additional namespaces makes things more complicated. Creating procs from a constructor is as well a rather unusual construction, normally you want to define methods accessing the instance variables...
best regards -gustaf neumann
=================== Class create MatlabInterface -parameter {iss} MatlabInterface instproc ok {} { my instvar iss tk_messageBox -type ok -icon info -title "MicWatch" -message $iss }
MatlabInterface i1 -iss Hello? i1 ok ===================
Am 16.03.11 13:40, schrieb Tuyen Hoang:
Can anyone tell me how to refer an instvar from within a namespace defined inside a class constructor? With my attempt below the $iss in the tk_messageBox line is undefined.
Class create MatlabInterface
MatlabInterface instproc init {} { my instvar iss namespace eval MicWatch { proc add {} { tk_messageBox -type ok -icon info -title "MicWatch" -message "$iss" } } }
I’m new to Tcl, let alone XOTcl, and don’t know how to search the posts in the mailing list so forgive me if the question has been asked before.
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