---------- Fwd ---------- Subject: [tcl_announce] ANNOUNCE: 2nd European Tcl/Tk User Meeting Date: 23 Jan 2001 18:49:44 -0000 From: Carsten Zerbst zerbst@tu-harburg.de To: tcl_announce@egroups.com
Second European Tcl/Tk User Meeting
Hamburg-Harburg, 7th and 8th June 2001
I'm please to announce the First European Tcl/Tk User Meeting, held in Hamburg on Thursday and Friday, 7 -- 8 June 2001.
The First European Tcl/Tk User Meeting should provide a plattform to * bring together Tcl/Tk researchers and practitioners * publish and present current work involving Tcl/Tk * learn about the latest developments in Tcl/Tk * plan for future Tcl/Tk related developments
This is the first announcement, for more information look at the meetings homepage http://www.tu-harburg.de/skf/tcltk.
If you like to contribute, please read the Call for Papers
For more infos on the Tcl/Tk user meeting look at http://www.tu-harburg.de/skf/tcltk
Contact Carsten Zerbst Technische Universit=E4t Hamburg-Harburg AB 3-06 mailto:zerbst@tu-harburg.de 21073 Hamburg phon: +49 40 428 32 3146 Germany fax: +49 40 428 32 3335
Hope to see you in Hamburg, Carsten Zerbst
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