Hi all,
Sorry for that stupid question but what is NX ? I know what is XOTcl about (that's why I'm on the so called mailing list ;-) but nothing about NX, and I've made some searchs on the web and nothing at all :-( So please don't let me in the dark ;-)
Oh by the way I have few more questions: - is it possible to call some functions written in tcl/xotcl from python ? I'm using a lot some great tools (such WikiPad which is simply excellent, try it you will see ! ;-) that can be extended but I'm not sure I want to spend too much time to learn a new language ... - is there some functions in tcl/xotcl to encode/decode urls ? I don't find such tools in unix what is (for me) obvious (it seems that's possible in perl for example but I dislike perl ;-) - long time ago I have been talking about the RETE algorithm that is used for example in CLIPS ... My question was about "is there such a thing in tcl/xotcl". Gustaf told me "write it by yourself" ;-) but after a lot of search I didn't find the algorithm itself ... Any issues about that ? (google if you don't know what I'm talking about ... I think that for some applications the Rete is simply genious) ... I know that it what ported in some languages for example java, but what about tcl/xotcl ?
Regards, L.R.