On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Gustaf Neumann wrote:
hmm. you mentioned here twice "args" and "body"; you should not use these for inherited methods, use instead "instargs" and "instbody".
That's the point, the method-generator should know be concerned with whether the template methods are inherited or not!
i am still confused. Are you trying to use the instprocs as templates for procs? if i paraphrase the example from the wiki, this would be
Class C C instproc fooTemplate <argument> <body>
C c1 useTemplate c1 fooTemplate foo -msg1 Hi -msg2 bye
where the object c1 has afterwards a proc foo, and fooTemplate could be a proc or an instproc.
i do not think, that this is a good solution, but this is an example where i would like to ignore the differences between procs and instprocs. is this similar to what you are working on?
This is pretty much exactly what I am doing, albeit with metaclasses and classes.
- ---------- = = ---------//--+ | / Kristoffer Lawson | www.fishpool.fi|.com +-> | setok@fishpool.com | - - --+------ |-- Fishpool Creations Ltd - / | +-------- = - - - = --------- /~setok/