# A very simple multi-threaded Webserver with a thread-pool in XOTcl.
# It implements only the HTTP GET method with conditional
# requests (if-modified-since))
# -gustaf neumann Jan 2003
package require Thread 2.5
package require XOTcl 1.0
namespace import xotcl::*
package require xotcl::serializer
array set opt {-port 8081 -root ./html}
array set opt $argv
##### Definition of the Server Class
Class Httpd -parameter { {port 80} {root /home/httpd/html/} {maxworkers 8}}
Httpd instproc init args { ;# constructor
puts stderr "Starting Server; url= http://[info hostname]:[my port]/"
my set listen [socket -server [list after idle [list [self] accept]] [my port]]
append initcmd \
"package require XOTcl 1.0\n" \
"namespace import xotcl::*\n" \
[Serializer deepSerialize ::HttpdWrk]
my set tpid [tpool::create -maxworkers [my maxworkers] -initcmd $initcmd]
Httpd instproc destroy {} { ;# destructor
close [my set listen] ;# close listening port
tpool::release [my set tpid]
Httpd instproc accept {sock ipaddr port} { ;# est. new connection
thread::detach $sock
tpool::post -detached [my set tpid] [list \
HttpdWrk w1 -socket $sock -ipaddr $ipaddr -port $port -root [my root]]
##### Definition of the Worker Class
Class HttpdWrk -parameter {socket port ipaddr root}
HttpdWrk array set codes { ;# we treat these status codes
200 "Data follows" 304 "Not Modified" 400 "Bad Request" 404 "Not Found"
HttpdWrk instproc Date secs {clock format $secs -format {%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z}}
HttpdWrk instproc log {msg} {
set stamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S"]
puts stderr "$stamp thread[thread::id]: $msg"
HttpdWrk instproc guessContentType fn {# derive content type from ext.
switch [file extension $fn] {
.gif {return image/gif} .jpg {return image/jpeg}
.htm {return text/html} .html {return text/html}
.css {return text/css} .ps {return application/postscript}
default {return text/plain}
HttpdWrk instproc replyCode {code} {
my set code $code
set msg [[self class] set codes($code)]
puts [my socket] "HTTP/1.0 $code $msg\r\n\Date: [my Date [clock seconds]]"
if {$code >= 300} {
set p [expr {[my exists path] ? [my set path] : "-unknown-" }]
my sendDynamicString "\n
Error: $code\n\
Error $code: $msg
\nUrl: $p\r\n"
HttpdWrk instproc init args {
my set startTime [clock clicks -milliseconds]
thread::attach [my socket]
if {[catch {my processRequest} errMsg]} {
puts stderr "error=$errMsg\n$::errorInfo"
HttpdWrk instproc processRequest {} {
set n [gets [my socket] line]
my instvar method path fileName
#my log $line
if {[regexp {^(GET) +([^ ]+) +HTTP/.*$} $line _ method path]} {
set fileName [my root]/$path ;# construct filename
regsub {/$} $fileName /index.html fileName
my header
} elseif {$n<0} {
set code -1
my close
} else {
my replyCode 400
HttpdWrk instproc header {} { ;# process the header
while 1 {
set n [gets [my socket] line]
if {$n == 0} break
if {[regexp {^([^:]+): *(.+)$} $line _ key value]} {
my set meta([string tolower $key]) $value
my response
HttpdWrk instproc response {} { ;# Respond to the GET-query
my instvar fileName
if {[file readable $fileName]} {
if {[my unmodified [file mtime $fileName]]} {
my replyCode 304
} else {
my replyCode 200
my sendFile
} else {
my replyCode 404
HttpdWrk instproc unmodified mtime {
if {[my exists meta(if-modified-since)]} {
set ms [my set meta(if-modified-since)]
regexp {^([^;]+);} $ms _ ms
if {![catch {set mss [clock scan $ms]}]} {return [expr {$mtime <= $mss}]}
return 0
HttpdWrk instproc sendFile {} {
my instvar fileName socket
puts $socket "Last-Modified: [my Date [file mtime $fileName]]\r\n\
Content-Type: [my guessContentType $fileName]\r\n\
Content-Length: [file size $fileName]\r\n"
set localFile [open $fileName r]
fconfigure $socket -translation binary -buffersize 16000
fconfigure $localFile -translation binary -buffersize 16000
fcopy $localFile $socket -command [list [self] sendFile-end $localFile]
my vwait done
HttpdWrk instproc sendFile-end {localFile args} {
close $localFile
my close
my set done 1
HttpdWrk instproc sendDynamicString {content {contentType text/html}} {
puts [my socket] "Content-Type: $contentType\r\n\
Content-Length: [string length $content]\r\n"
fconfigure [my socket] -translation lf
puts -nonewline [my socket] $content
my close
HttpdWrk instproc close {} { ;# close a request
set elapsed [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds]-[my set startTime]}]
my log "close ($elapsed ms) [my set code]"
close [my socket]
proc bgerror {args} {
puts stderr "$::argv0 background error: $args"
puts stderr "\t$::errorInfo\nerrorCode = $::errorCode"
Httpd h1 -port $opt(-port) -root $opt(-root)
vwait forever