On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Catherine Letondal wrote:
Kristoffer Lawson wrote:
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Alexandre Dehne wrote:
In order to use biok, I have to install xotcl. My problem with xotcl installation is that my system is under Fedora and there is no tclInt.h file under this distribution (even with the tcl-devel package). Of course, I can uninstall the tcl package and install tcl manually but, by uninstalling tcl package, other packages are going out and that put me in trouble ...
Well tclInt.h is internal Tcl stuff (unfortunately still required by XOTcl). Does Fedora have a Tcl source package? Would be in that.
I think Debian is now clever enough to include tclInt.h in the tcl dev package, although naturally the best would be if external packages no longer needed tclInt.h
Dear Kristoffer,
I don't understand your answer : do you mean that there should be no problem at all? But the file tclInt.h does not exist on alexander's disk although he has a tcl dev installed.
The second paragraph was about Debian, not Fedora. On Debian I believe tclInt.h is now included in the dev package. With Fedora I guess he has to install the source. With any luck, Fedora may have source packages for Tcl in addition to the normal dev package, but I'm not familiar with it.