I hit the same problem in a persistent application I am working on. My solution is to define a new method, delete, that destroys the object and deletes the object from the persistent storage. Just destroying the object does not delete it from persistent storage.
Instead of explicitly calling destroy on objects, I just call delete. My persistence layer is snapshot based, but delete instantly deletes the persistence for an object. This has the problem of a shrinking set of persisted objects between snaphots.
Have you worked with prevayler( In my java days I used this for a while. I'd like to make a port of this to xotcl one day.
On 01/02/06, Kristoffer Lawson wrote:
When XOTcl exits, it seems that the [destroy] method is called on all objects. The first question is whether this is wise .. possibly. The problem is I would like to build a transparent layer for persistence storage which could be applied to a wide range of applications. The problem naturally is that the objects in the persistence storage get destroyed when the application exits :-)
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-- Lao Tsu said: When the fool learns the Way, He laughs at it. Yet if the fool did not laugh at it, It would not be the Way. Indeed, if you are seeking the Way, Listen for the laughter of fools.