On Sep 28, 2004, at 7:25 PM, Uwe Zdun wrote:
Hi Catherine,
on Unix we have moved the build system as default to the style preferred by TEA: the shells are not built anymore by default. Instead it is advisable to load XOTcl dynamically into the ordinary tclsh or wish. I propose you simply use this style of using XOTcl as well:
% wish
package require XOTcl namespace import xotcl::*
the shells, if build (what is optional) now do nothing else than this.
Understood! and thanks for the "TEA" information - I was not aware of it.
There is only one extension that I need to embed in a wish shell (it's made by a colleague to display 3D molecules cf http://www.pasteur.fr/~letondal/biok/i3DMol.html). It's because we need to create new Tcl commands and run an init function to set up the OpenGL environment at startup.