i tried to use tclkit (8.4.1, windows) with XOTcl 1.0 and always get the annoying error message: "Cannot locate the XOTcl library on your system!"
when i try to [package require xotcl] in tclkit.
I read the source code, where the message seems to be generated and found that it is produced by some code that tries to modify the auto_path on loading of the xotcl**.dll. This seems to fail when loaded as a dll.
What has to be done to get rid of the error message and to get the library found?
At the moment i do: lappend auto_path [file join $xotcl-dir library]
This seems to work, if xotcl-dir is set to the lib dir used by XOTcl.
Other than those minor problems, are there any known problems using XOTcl 1.0 with Tclkit?
Michael Schlenker