I recompiled tcl8.4.10 and xotcl1.3.6 for -DTCL_MEM_DEBUG=1 -g and -00 and then run valgrind on the attached scripts. Unfortunately I couldnt find anything in the debug outputs to pin point the problem. However I did find that the scripts memLeakMixin and memLeakMultiMixin do increase memory over time. memLeakClass does not increase memory over time.
It seems that the memory leak is related to the number of instmixins on the class A. memLeakMulitMixin uses far more memory than does memLeakMixin.
Any suggestions where to go next?
On 30/09/05, Zoran Vasiljevic zv@archiware.com wrote:
Am 30.09.2005 um 20:15 schrieb Jeff Hobbs:
We have a copy that I have used many times. Valgrind comes close, finds different things, but I still prefer Purify. Valgrind is free though, so there's not excuse not to try that.
Unfortunately (as you already know) ... Those will not report regular memory usage (C-wise) when you just expand an array, extend the list, flood the event loop, forget to destoy objects, etc. pp., indefinitetly. Hence, I found the Poor Man's Purify ([time] + glancing at the top display) equaly useful.
What I believe, (under assumption that Ben is using only Tcl/XOTcl code) is that he's hitting something like the above. I had those problems en mass until I persuaded Gustaf to make the "-volatile" mechanism in XOTcl...
-- You know you have reached perfection of design not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away. --Antoine de Saint Exupéry