Thank you for the help.
Now I am getting another error I don't understand.
invalid command name "my".
It seems like it is not getting to use XOTcl commands. Here is what I have:
package require XOTcl
::xotcl::Class Stack
Stack instproc init {} {
# Constructor
my instvar things
set things ""
Stack instproc push {thing} {
my instvar things
set things [concat [list $thing] $things]
return $thing
Stack instproc pop {} {
my instvar things
set top [lindex $things 0]
set things [lrange $things 1 end]
return $top
set s1 [Stack new]
On 7 May 2008, at 20:54, Matthew Smith wrote:
How do I access the class methods(i guess they are called) from within
the tcl file?
The examples show this:
# Create Object s1 of class Stack
% Stack s1
% s1 push a
% s1 push b
% s1 push c
% s1 pop
% s1 pop
# Delete object s1
s1 destroy
I have tried this:
set s1 [Stack]
Either this:
set s1 [Stack new]
set s1 [Stack s1]
The first version gives you an automatically named object, which is probably what you usually want to do. You can also explicitly name objects with the latter version (something you cannot do with Java and stuff). Mostly you wont need to do this, but there are situations when it's useful.