I'm working on real-life application, which controls some hardware devices throw network protocol.
For now this application consist of several instances of some objects, which implements FSM (finite state machines) of hardware devices. Now it is implemented using Itcl, but I need possibility to change fsm states and implementation without restarting application. Itcl does not allow me to do this, so I decided to switch to XOTcl.
I split my application in several source files. Each of files implements one of fsm's or helper functions, and when I need to change logic of work, i simply source all files.
There are several problems with this: 1) when I execute command Class Some, previous instance of this class deleted, and all objects move to ::Object class. This problem I solve by using filter for create command on ::Object (idea stolen from recoverypoint class :)) ). But with that second problem arrives: 2) when some instproc used as a filter, and redefined, it's filter become inactive. (so first problem arrives again, when I source recover.tcl which has recoverfilter definition) after setting filter again, all works as expected
Hope for your help :))
Example code: ----------------- a.xotcl ----------------- #!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.2
package require XOTcl
Object instproc filter {args} { puts "filter: [self] [[self] info calledproc]" next }
Object filter filter
puts "Object test" Object test puts "test set a a" test set a a
puts "Object instproc filter" Object instproc filter {args} { puts "new filter: [self] [[self] info calledproc]" next }
puts "test set a a" test set a a
puts "Object filter filter" Object filter filter
puts "test set a a" test set a a ----------------------------------------- Result:
Object test filter: ::Object test filter: ::Object create test set a a filter: ::test set Object instproc filter filter: ::Object instproc test set a a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unfiltered Object filter filter test set a a new filter: ::test set new filter: ::@ destroy new filter: ::test destroy