Hi Maksym,
The blueprint of NaviServer does not contain the system namespaces (tcl, nx, xotcl), unless exporting of particular methods is explicitly requested from the serializer class via "::Serializer exportMethods { ... }".
Check out
and search e.g. for "type=range"
All the best
On 18.02.24 20:40, Maksym Zinchenko wrote:
Hello, I have an issue I can't understand. On my naviserver I have a global tcl module, inside init.tcl I have defined a scripted value checker for uuid:
::nx::Slot method type=uuid {name value} {
set pattern {^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$} if {![regexp $pattern $value]} { error "Value '$value' of parameter $name is not UUID" } return $value }
I have a class definition in like:
::nx::Class create eFaturaClass -superclass ::oodz::baseObj {
:property {company:object,required} :property {uuid:uuid,required} :property {doc_type:integer,required}
:method init {} { ....
.... }
But when im trying to create an object it gives me an error like:
::eFaturaClass create ef -company ::companyObj -doc_type 1 -uuid 0dbd469a-
method 'type=uuid' unknown for slot ::eFaturaClass::slot::uuid; valid are: {definition destroy getParameterSpec getPropertyDefinitionOptions onError parameter reconfigure setCheckedInstVar value=add value=delete value=exists value=get v alue=set value=unset}
It looks like I'm doing something wrong, thank you. _______________________________________________ Xotcl mailing list Xotcl@alice.wu.ac.at http://alice.wu.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/xotcl