New Version of XOTclIDE 0.57 is released. http://www.xdobry.de/xotclIDE
changes: - Additional editior functions - minus indent, plus indent, auto indent region - comment and uncomment region - New plug-ins: - tk windows inpector - can show tk windows hierarchy. view and change widget configuration. serialize widgets trees to tcl script - script editor - enable syntax checker and command completion also for small tcl scripts - more panned windows (when you use Tcl8.4) - startpacks for windows and linux with updated atkdebugger (version 0.21) and Tcl8.4.5 http://www.xdobry.de/xotclIDE/xotclide_win.html This binaries includes ready to use extended debugger. - sqlite connection dialog use file dialog to get sqllite file - this version is prepared and also tested with pre-release of XOTcl 1.1.2 that Gustav Neuman give me for testing. Warning! Old XOTclIDE releases would not work reliable with XOTcl 1.1.2 - many refactoring and bug fixies (see Change Log) and small improvements in gui handling.
I have some problems with XOTcl 1.1.1 by using debugger. Please use XOTcl 1.0.2 if you should work with extended debugger.
Artur Trzewik