Gustaf Neumann wrote:
Jeff Hobbs schrieb:
+ provided compatibility with Tcl 8.5 (currently, this requires the verison of Tcl 8.5 from CVS head, including the changes for VarReform
I know that some extensions poke deeper (especially OO ones), but we were able to maintain binary compat with itcl.
the stubs of tcl 8.5 are not the same as tcl 8.4. What i have seen, itcl requires the same new interfaces that xotcl uses. do you expect that tcl 8.5 extensions work for tcl 8.4 and vice versa?
What I expect is that 8.4-compiled extensions work with 8.5. More importantly, it is not just my expectation, but the expectation of most Tcl users.
For example, let's say Apple gets the latest xotcl and itcl into the latest 8.4-based release for Leopard (although in all likelihood, it is too late to update now). When a user installs 8.5 to test, itcl as shipped on the machine would work whereas xotcl will not. Not the best user experience.
While xotcl may rely on whatever stubs officially exports, there are many tricks around this, both compile-time and runtime tricks to get what you need. itcl uses these, and I would recommend xotcl doing the same in order to improve the user experience.