Hello again,
We are at the onset of a Web based project to be built on, at least the current thinking is, on XML/SOAP. Basically, a Web browser interface calling SOAP methods on a SOAP server. Initial trials using tcl soap along with the the package's SOAP::domain stuff under tclhttpd seem promising, if possibly a bit cludgey and slow...We also work with Aolserver, but have not looked at ns_soap..
Most of the application are requests for Eurosta data (living in a postgres db), calculations, and generating charts, pies, graphs, XML reports etc.
I was wondering as to what efforts, if any are being done along these lines. I found some tclhttpd/soap etc wrappings on Mr. Zdun's site, but could not really get these to work (cleanly, at least). I also found the link below but have not
had a chance to look at it.
Is there anything newer/other along these lines available? Most of our thinking is to eventually move towards your ActiWeb/Active Web Objects, but we are still in the exploration phase. I also have a gut feeling that tis project will grow/change as time goes, which infers maintainability issues, which is why we are shying away from our intial tcl/tclsoap approach and more towards XOTcl/objects....
nicolas boretos