at first glance, the behavior seems ok to me. You're setting 2 traces to the local scope variable "f" which get unset in reverse order -> so the two "f" outputs should be ok.
The rhs traces "2" and "3" are for the two inner invocations. For the outer invocations, the callframe is deleted before the Trace is executed. The problem here is that Tcl does not print the error that occurs.
Consider the following plain Tcl example:
proc tracecb { name1 name2 op } { if {[catch { upvar $name1 var puts "tracecb "$name1" "$name2" "$op" "$var"" } err]} { puts $err } } proc x {a} { ::trace add variable a [list unset] ::tracecb if {$a == 0} {return} incr a -1 x $a }
x 4
This prints: tracecb "a" "" "unset" "0" tracecb "a" "" "unset" "1" tracecb "a" "" "unset" "2" tracecb "a" "" "unset" "3" can't read "var": no such variable
so you cannot rely on the "upvar" in the trace to a local scope variable.
You can try to refer to an XOTcl variable (an instance variable) with "[self] trace ..." instead.
On Tuesday 18 November 2003 22:39, Jim Russell wrote:
I've compiled XOTcl 1.0.2 with Tcl 8.4.4 to create a xotclsh. When I execute the script below, the traced variables are unset once too few times. Also, the order of the unsetting seems odd. Am I just confused, or I have discovered a problem?
Here's the sample output:
russell> xotclsh factorial.xotcl rhs = 3 rhs = 2 rhs = 1 tracecb "rhs" "" "unset" "2" tracecb "rhs" "" "unset" "3" tracecb "f" "" "unset" "::factorial-1" tracecb "f" "" "unset" "::factorial-0" 3! = 6
File factorial.xotcl <<<<
proc tracecb { name1 name2 op } { upvar $name1 var puts "tracecb "$name1" "$name2" "$op" "$var"" }
xotcl::Class factorial; factorial proc new { args } { eval my [ my autoname factorial- ] $args }
factorial instproc compute { rhs } { puts "rhs = $rhs" if { $rhs > 1 } { set f [ factorial new ]
::trace add variable f [list unset] tracecb set lhs [ $f compute [ expr $rhs - 1 ] ] } else { set lhs 1 } set product [ expr $lhs * $rhs ] ::trace add variable rhs [ list unset ] tracecb return $product
proc main { value } { set f [ factorial new ] puts "${value}! = [ $f compute $value ]" }
main [expr [ llength $argv ] ? [ lindex $argv 0 ] + 0 : 3 ]
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