I'm getting a segmentation fault in relation to XOTcl. I believe the situation that causes it is as follows:
* I have an object C which has a child M. * M has a fileevent callback. * On receiving complete message, M calls a method in C. * If that is an empty message, C destroys itself and closes the socket in the destructor (M is still in fileevent callback).
After that I get a segmentation fault. But.. this only happens if I have my debug outputs turned on! They are just normal Tcl [puts] stuff, wrapped around in other things. The thing is I am unable to recreate this with a trivial piece of code so I'm finding it very difficult to pinpoint the exact cause (even, indeed if it is XOTcl at fault or if I have found a Tcl bug).
Sorry for the very vague report. I wish I could be more specific. If it's any help, at one point, instead of a segmentation fault, I got:
alloc: invalid block: 0x81264a0: b0 8 ef Aborted
My guess, something is being freed before it should. Let me know if there's anything more I can do to help find this problem.