xotcl-bounces@alice.wu-wien.ac.at wrote on 03/15/2006 04:23:28 AM:

> On 15 Mar 2006, at 12:17, Gustaf Neumann wrote:
> >
> I am actually quite surprised to find that the move operation calls  
> the destructor. This is not mentioned on the reference manual and  
> does, in fact, seem counter-intuitive. A move is a move, nothing is  
> being destroyed, so why call the destructor?

I agree.  A move operation didn't imply object destruction to me, either.

> I understand that the  
> operation is actually quite expensive, due to current Tcl internals,  
> but is there any reason why a destructor should be called? If we want  
> a method called for a move operation, surely it would be simple to  
> define that a "beingMoved" method is then called.

I'm guessing that xotcl::object's "destroy" method does all the heavy lifting (cleaning up the source of the move).  What would happen if the default move implementation was to change the source object's class to xotcl::object before invoking destroy?  This way it would continue to use the xotcl::object's "destroy" implementation for cleanup purposes without invoking all of the subclass destroy methods, and derived classes wouldn't perceive move as a destroy operation.  Would this have bad side-effects?

> > it is quite simple
> > for a poweruser of xotcl to overload copy/move and add applicaton
> > specific addtional behavior to it. if one does not like the side-
> > effects
> > of destroy in a move, a custom move operation can set in instance
> > variable "__during_move__" and query this from the destroy
> > method to change its behavior.

While I'm no poweruser, I did get the guard mechanism to work.  Here it is for completeness sake. (Is there an easy way to search the mail archives?  Maybe this will help someone else...)

# move doesn't do what I expect.  It's not simply a move, it's
# actually a deep copy followed by a destroy. I want to reclaim the
# object on destroy, but not the imputed destroy from the move
# operation. So flag that the destroy is happening because of a move
# so the destroy reclamation doesn't happen, and then reset the flag
# in the new copy.
TrackingMixin instproc move {dest} {
  my set _ismoving_ 1
  $dest unset _ismoving_
TrackingMixin instproc destroy {args} {
  if {[my info vars _ismoving_] eq ""} {
    # true destroy, do true destroy things...
  } else {
