In XOTcl (1.3.8) there seems to be no initialisation of parameters during dynamic class change. See code below: a1 and a2 behave differently.
Is this the intended behaviour?
- regards, Florian
package require XOTcl namespace import xotcl::* eval [string map {INFO {[self] [info level 0] : [my info class] : [my info vars]}} { Class A -parameter { {p 0} } A instproc pp {} { puts "A INFO"; next }
Class B -superclass A -parameter { {q 0} } B instproc pp {} { puts "B INFO"; next } }]
proc main {} { set strich "--------------------------------------------------------------"
puts $strich A create a1 -p a1 a1 class B #a1 init a1 pp #puts "a1 q = [a1 q]" ;# should this be an error?
puts $strich
A create a2 -p a2 a2 class B a2 q xx a2 pp #puts "a2 q = [a2 q]" puts $strich } main