On Saturday 11 August 2001 00:00, Kristoffer Lawson wrote:
I create a class "C" with instproc "foo". An object is created from C called "ob".
The commands "ob info procs", "ob info args" and "ob info body" do not work as I would expect them to. In particular, there doesn't seem to be a way of finding out the body and arguments for the instproc "foo" from the object. I could do this by asking the class, but I specifically would like a uniform way to do this, without caring whether the methods are inherited or not. Is this intended? Why?
Much of the answers have been said already.
The right way to query instprocs is via "info instargs" and "info instbody" rather than "info args" and "info body" or the tcl counterparts...
Class C
C instproc foo {a b c} {puts foo} C c1
C info instprocs
C info instargs foo
a b c
C info instbody foo
puts foo ====================================================
on our todo-list for 0.85 we have an issue for returning names of procs/instprocs/mixins/filters etc. in a consistent way, that also effects procsearch. This becomes neccessary for [self next], which lets a user query, what will be called next (filter, mixin, proc, instproc).
in the best of all possible worlds, we treat whatever comes back fron the query an an object which has an orthogonal query interface for instrospection. speedwise an object is rather heavyweight, so we think about list notations as well. OTH, we the xotcl-objects are not necessarily tcl-based, these can be c-based as well (we have a mostly working SWIG bindig for xotcl), therefore the speed penalty wont be large....
greeting -gustaf PS: hopefully, i can put 0.85.3 this evening on the server.