On Thursday 21 February 2002 18:17, Zoran Vasiljevic wrote:
Class foo foo instproc init {args} { puts stderr "[self] comming" next } foo instproc destroy {args} { puts stderr "[self] leaving" next } foo instproc test {args} { puts "Hallo World" } proc dummy {args} { foo private fooVar ; # "private" might be a new constructor method $fooVar test return }
When somebody calls "dummy" proc, a new "foo" object gets created (the "private" method" and automatically destroyed when proc returns. Can such thing be done with simple Tcl variable traces, hm?
Hm, what about this little baby:
proc ::xotcl::gc {name1 name2 op} { ::uplevel $name1 destroy }
Class instproc private {varname args} { ::upvar $varname v ::set v $varname ::uplevel trace variable $varname u ::xotcl::gc ::eval [self] create $varname $args }
% Class foo % foo private bar % $bar wrong # args: should be {bar message ?args...?} % set bar ::bar % unset bar % ::bar invalid command name "::bar"
Cheer's Zoran