On Sep 28, 2005, at 9:23 AM, Kristoffer Lawson wrote:
On 28 Sep 2005, at 18:49, Donal K. Fellows wrote:
The TIP is (totally!) light on C-level API, largely because I've no idea what needs to go there. I'd even be happy (personally speaking) with an OO system that did not provide any C-level API at all. Other people will probably disagree. :-D
Well yeah, I'd disagree in the sense that if any OO framework goes somewhere near the core, I'd like to see Tk being implemented in terms of it (or indeed any other C-based extension which uses objects). Not immediately, of course, but in the long run.
It would be nice to have a C-API; but I think it would be better to get the Tcl API stable first, and then rationalize the internals based on where we've gotten to before opening them up.
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