On 20 Mar 2006, at 18:41, Scott Gargash wrote:
xotcl-bounces@alice.wu-wien.ac.at wrote on 03/20/2006 07:21:27 AM:
Kristoffer Lawson schrieb:
I'm also wondering what the name should be, to make it really
Is [my var] clear enough? or should it be [my normalisedVar]?
"my var" is not a good option, "my varname" would be better,
furthermore, "my method" is already defined, getting a good name
method seems messy. how about:
There's some semantic relationship between the two accessors, so it would be nice to have some overlap in their names. How about "my varname" and "my methodname"?
How about, to make it totally obvious, "my varNamespace" and "my methodNamespace"? Readability and clarity is generally more important in programming than cutting a few keystrokes off and at least that would be easy for anyone reading the code to decipher.