Matthew Smith schrieb:
I copy and pasted what you posted, and still get the error: invalid command name "s1"
sorry, my mistake. i did too much cur&paste from your earlier scripts. The version below should work
-gustaf neumann
package require XOTcl; namespace import ::xotcl::*
Class Stack Stack instproc init {} { my instvar things set things "" } Stack instproc push {thing} { my instvar things set things [concat [list $thing] $things] return $thing } Stack instproc pop {} { my instvar things set top [lindex $things 0] set things [lrange $things 1 end] return $top }
# using unnamed object set s1 [Stack new]
$s1 push a $s1 push b
set x [$s1 pop] puts "The popped value is $x"
# using named object
Stack s1
s1 push c s1 push d
set x [s1 pop] puts "The popped value is $x"