Artur Trzewik wrote:
Jeff Hobbs schrieb:
Many of XOTcl features are only interesting for special scenarios such as OO-frameworks or wrapping techniques.
For OO-Beginners these XOTcl-Features might be not interesting:
- method forwarding
- filters
- meta classes
- slots
- mixins
- assertions, pre/post condition
- non positional arguments
- object aggregation
I have ordered the features from most advenced to quite practical in my opionion.
Method forwarding (aka delegation) is an absolute must and common feature for megawidget development (fwiw).
Yes. But there is a difference between megawidget developer and developer who only use magawidget. For using megawideg you do need to now nothing about internals of it. Not everyone must be Tcl guru for using it.
It is true that there are always going to be more megawidget users than authors, but don't underestimate the potential "developer base" of megawidget authors. Look at how many systems and megawidgets others have developed. On top of each of these (bwidgets, iwidgets, etc), developers have created their own variations to solve problem need.
In fact, the only reason this hasn't been more commonplace is due in large part to the lack of an accepted megawidget framework in Tk. I had hoped to have one on top of the 8.5 OO, but that is deferred.
The need to customize minor variations of widgets is quite common for almost any size of Tk app. Text widgets with readonly sections, entry widgets that have special validation behaviors, comboboxes with hotlists and other fancy features, ... Do not underestimate the importance of having *strong* megawidget framework support in the core OO.