I found XOTclIDE, but it looks a little bit exotic...
XOTcl is exotic too ;)
Second question: lets assume that I want to check if particular variable contains a TCL object of given class: $var istype MyClass. It works good, assuming that $var contains an object, but if there is a value like "15" we get an error. Is there a nice way to check if a variable contains an object of given class and at the same time just get a false answer in case it does not contains a XOTCL object?
Object isobject $var && $var istype MyClass Perhaps "hasclass" is better for you. Consult documentation for a difference. After I have started to use mixins so time ago, I have to adapt all istype to hasclass. proc isObjectOfType {obj type} { expr {[Object isobject $obj] && [$obj istype $type]} } Could be defined as Object proc Artur