I'm using XOTcl under both Tcl 8.4.2
and AOLServer. Here's my Tcl 8.4.2 setup.
$auto_path is {d:/appsdev/tcl/lib/tcl8.4
d:/appsdev/tcl/lib} both before and after
require XOTcl 1
xotcl is installed under d:/appsdev/tcl/lib/xotcl-1.0.2.
In that dir is a pkgIndex.tcl file with
the following:
ifneeded XOTcl 1.0 [list load [file join $dir win/Release/xotcl1.0.dll]
xotcl1.0.dll is under d:/appsdev/tcl/lib/xotcl-1.0.2/win/Release.
I've also tried placing the dll in the
bin directory and adjusting the pkgIndex.tcl file accordingly, but it had
the same result.
As I said, the dll does in fact load,
and I can use XOTcl (and all of its libraries and samples). The problem
is just the message.
Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at> wrote on 05/12/2003
11:28:52 AM:
> hmm ... Can you provide a bit more detail? where have you installed
> from where do you run it? what is the setting of the variable auto_path
> use: puts $auto_path at the beginning your program)?
> Uwe
> On Monday 12 May 2003 16:35, MichaelL@frogware.com wrote:
> > With XOTcl 1.0.2 on Windows 2000 I get the "Cannot locate
the XOTcl
> > library on your system!" message despite the fact that the
library is
> > successfully found. I read the message in the archives on this,
but a) the
> > workaround didn't seem to work for me (if I understood it correctly)
> > b) it seemed like 1.0.2 was supposed to fix the problem (but
> > didn't in my case).
> --
> Uwe Zdun
> Department of Information Systems, Vienna University of Economics
> Phone: +43 1 313 36 4796, Fax: +43 1 313 36 746
> zdun@{xotcl,computer,acm}.org, uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at