This is with XOTcl 1.3.6, but I couldn't find if 1.3.8 fixes it. The following code does not appear to work as expected:
package require XOTcl namespace import xotcl::*
Class A
A instproc init {test} { puts "init: $test" }
A instproc foo {text} { puts "foo: $text" }
A instproc bar {text} { puts "bar: $text" }
A new "on taas" -foo jou -bar blah A new -foo jou -bar blah "on taas"
The first will work, but the latter will not. The error is:
wrong # args: should be "bar text" ::xotcl::__#1 ::A->bar ::xotcl::__#1 ::xotcl::Object->configure ::A ::xotcl::Class->create ::A ::xotcl::Class->new invoked from within "A new -foo jou -bar blah "on taas"" (file "dashCreateTest.tcl" line 23)