The Integrated/Interactive Development Environment for XOTcl
The new version of XOTclIDE 0.32 is ready on
The Changes from last announced Version
- xotclide includes tcl/XOTcl parser written in XOTcl that is used for
- syntax hightlighting that is much better than regexp based syntax
- syntax checker (Tcl and XOTclIDE). The syntax checker is probably better
than tclpro checker. It can also check variables visibility and simulate
commands execution.
More infos to syntax checker
The syntax checker can be used either by editing code (by accept operation)
or as syntax checker tool that can check whole XOTcl/Tcl projects.
Very good is speed of XOTcl. Checking Syntax of whole XotclIDE project
(1543 methods) takes only 114 seconds (1,2 GHz Pentium). In this time many
thousands of syntax-token objects are build and destroyed.
have fun with it