Dear XOTcl community,
the results of the poll can be summarized as follows:
- most people favored "names" instead of "symbols"
for "selfDispatch"
- the hottest favorite is "my". One can write now
my instvar a b c
my log
instead of
[self] instvar a b c
[self] log
the variant with [self] will continue to work
If someone is not happy with "my", please react
From the "volatile" front: we have now more-or-less Zoran
suggestion implemented in C. Actually there is no need
in general for using tcl-variables to implement volatile
objects (we could handle this on a pop of stack frames),
but at least for pure tcl-procs, var traces are the simplest
implementation. The current implementation (purely in C)
works as part of the "new" method:
a) Object new ...
b) Object new -childof ...
c) Object new -volatile ...
d) Object new -volatile -childof ...
(a) creates "global" objects, not in the global
namespace anymore, but in xotcl. (b) can be used
to create objects as child of other objects (e.g. [self],
the objects are deleted, when the specified object is deleted),
(c) are "global" objects as in (a), but they are deleted,
when the current tcl-proc/object-proc/instproc is left,
and (d) is a combination of b and c.
Needless to say, a-d works for classes as well as e.g.
Class new -volatile
in order to create "anonymoes" classes. The implementation
of new is slightly faster than before, since i changed the
nameing schema to be the same for all kind new ("__#122", ...),
such that e.g.
[Class new -volatile] new -volatile
works as well. the disadvantage is that the neat
classname derived names as in earlier versions have
to be done by hand now...
that was it for now
best regrads