As promised in today's course, here a corrected version of the sample "oorexx\samples\ole\apps\MSExcel_cURL.rex":

-- Get information using curl, save results in array
cityArr = .array~of("Vienna", "Graz", "Linz", "Salzburg", "Innsbruck", "Klagenfurt", "Bregenz", "Eisenstadt", "Sankt-Poelten", "Wien")
cityWeather = .array~new                                    -- array for weather information
do counter i name over cityArr
    command='curl'name'?format="%l:+%t"'   --
    say "#" i":" command                                    -- give user feedback
    outArr = .array~new                                     -- array for stdout
    ADDRESS SYSTEM command with output using (outArr) error using (.array~new)
    cityWeather~append(outArr[1])                           -- append output to array

-- Start Excel with empty worksheet
excelApplication = .OLEObject~new("Excel.Application")
excelApplication~visible = .true                            -- make Excel visible
Worksheet = excelApplication~Workbooks~Add~Worksheets[1]    -- add worksheet
-- Create bold collum header in first row
colhead = .array~of("City", "Celsius")                      -- array with header text
do counter col name over colhead
    Worksheet~cells(1,col)~Value = name                     -- insert items from array
    Worksheet~cells(1,col)~font~bold = .true                -- make bold
-- Insert information from gained with curl
do counter row name over cityWeather
    parse var name city ":" temperature "°C"               -- parse curled informations
    Worksheet~cells(row+1,1)~Value = city                   -- city in collum 1
    Worksheet~cells(row+1,2)~Value = temperature            -- temperature in collum 2
-- Select range for chart, use left upper and lower right cell location
Worksheet~Range("A1:B" || (row+1))~Select                   -- include title row
-- Add Chart
excelApplication~Charts~Add                                 -- create new chart
excelApplication~ActiveChart~HasTitle = .True               -- add title
excelApplication~ActiveChart~ChartTitle~Characters~Text = "Temperature"

Enclosed find the Excel-Spreadsheet that just got created, reflecting the current temperatures.

The corrected example will be in the next drop of ooRexx 5.1.0beta.




Prof. Dr. Rony G. Flatscher
Department Wirtschaftsinformatik und Operations Management
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Gesellschaft
D2c 2.086
WU Wien
Welthandelsplatz 1
A-1020  Wien/Vienna, Austria/Europe