Liebe alle,
Wir haben bei dieser Hausübung leider auch eine Fehlermeldung ausgespuckt bekommen.
Liebe Grüße Kenan Selak und Katharina Müller
"test=" /* create an instance of the JAXP DocumentBuilderFactory */ factory=bsf.loadClass("javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory")~newInstance factory~setNamespaceAware(.true) -- set desired parser to namespace aware eh=.errorHandler~new -- create an error handler Rexx object -- wrap up the Rexx error handler as a Java object javaEH=BsfCreateRexxProxy(eh, , "org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler") /* make important constants available via .local */ clzDomNode=bsf.loadClass("org.w3c.dom.Node") -- load the Java interface class .local~CDATA_SECTION_NODE=clzDomNode~CDATA_SECTION_NODE -- save field value .local~TEXT_NODE =clzDomNode~TEXT_NODE -- save field value /* now collect all text and CDATA nodes and display them */ call followNode rootNode ::requires BSF.CLS /* get the Java support */ ::routine followNode /* walks the document tree recursively */ use arg node call processNode node -- process received node if node~hasChildNodes then do children=node~getChildNodes -- get NodeList loop i=0 to children~length-1 -- 0-based indexes! call followNode children~item(i) -- recurse end end ::routine processNode /* processes each node */ use arg node if nodeType=.text_node | nodeType=.cdata_section_node then say pp(node~nodeValue) ::class ErrorHandler -- a Rexx error handler ("org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler") ::method unknown /* handles "warning", "error" and "fatalError" events */ use arg methName, argArray -- arguments from the Java SAX parser exception=argArray[1] -- retrieve SAXException argument .error~say(methName":" - "line="exception~getLineNumber",col="exception~getColumnNumber":" - pp(exception~getMessage))
Code Is Executing REXXerr>org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxException: BSF4ooRexx850/routine/jniRexxRunProgram(), error 9: REXXerr> 18 *-* if node~hasChildNodes REXXerr>Error 97 running testcode.code line 18: Object method not found. REXXerr>Error 97.1: Object "ROOTNODE" does not understand message "HASCHILDNODES".
Mag.a Katharina Müller-Weismann Rechtsabteilung Legal Affairs Office
WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Vienna University of Economics and Business Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria Building AR (Perspektivstraße 4)
Tel: +43-1-313 36-5265 Fax: +43-1-313 36-90 9208 E-Mail: