Liebe alle,
anbei unsere Hausübung.
Liebe Grüße Kenan Selak und Katharina Müller-Weismann
OUTPUT: Siehe Screenshots
If arg(1)='?' Then Do Parse Source source Say source Say 'Create a window with a choice-object and two text-fields and buttons;' Say ' if the ok-button is pressed then popup another window and display' Say ' what was chosen and entered, respectively.' Exit End if BsfInvokedBy()=1 then say "This Rexx program was invoked by Java!" else if BsfInvokedBy()=2 then say "This Rexx program was invoked by Rexx, JVM loaded by Rexx!" else say "No JVM present, we got troubles ..."
/* create userData for use with the Greetings routine and event handlers; this allows us to access the registered objects */
rexxCloseEH=.RexxCloseAppEventHandler~new -- create Rexx event handler -- create a RexxProxy for our Rexx event handler rpCloseEH=BsfCreateRexxProxy(rexxCloseEH, , "java.awt.event.ActionListener", - "java.awt.event.WindowListener")
/* create Object Rexx prox-classes for the following "java"-classes: */ .BSF~bsf.import('java.awt.Button' , 'awtButton' ) .BSF~bsf.import('java.awt.Choice' , 'awtChoice' ) .BSF~bsf.import('java.awt.Color' , 'awtColor' ) .BSF~bsf.import('java.awt.Frame' , 'awtFrame' ) .BSF~bsf.import('java.awt.GridLayout', 'awtGridLayout' ) .BSF~bsf.import('java.awt.Label' , 'awtLabel' ) .BSF~bsf.import('java.awt.TextField' , 'awtTextField' )
/* create 3 labels */ label1 = .awtLabel~new('Geschlecht: ') label2 = .awtLabel~new('Name: ') label3 = .awtLabel~new('Nachname: ')
/* create a drop down list with 3 entries */ dropDown = .awtChoice~new dropDown~~addItem('männlich')~~addItem('weiblich') ~~addItem('divers')
/* create 2 textfields */ Nachname = .awtTextField~new Name = .awtTextField~new
/* create userData for use with the Greetings routine; this allows us to access the registered objects */ userData~DropDown = DropDown userData~Nachname = Nachname userData~Name = Name /* create 2 buttons and add addEventListeners to them */ oK = .awtButton~new('OK') rpOk=BsfCreateRexxProxy(.RexxOkHandler~new, userData, "java.awt.event.ActionListener") ok~addActionListener(rpOk)
cancel = .awtButton~new('Cancel') cancel~addActionListener(rpCloseEH)
/* set the window layout */ -- Background = .awtColor~new(150, 150, 250) background = .awtColor~newStrict("int", 150, "int", 150, "int", 250) gLayout = .awtGridLayout~new(4, 2) window = .awtFrame~new('OO-Greetings!') window~addWindowListener(rpCloseEH)
/* add all the elements to the window */ window~setLayout(GLayout) window~~add(Label1)~~add(DropDown) window~~add(Label2)~~add(Name) window~~add(Label3)~~add(Nachname) window~~add(OK) ~~add(Cancel) window~setSize(200, 200) window~setBackground(Background) window~~pack~~setVisible(.true)~~toFront
/* no access needed anymore, free the references to the objects (just to demonstrate this feature) */ drop label1 drop label2 drop label3
rexxCloseEH~waitForExit -- wait until we are allowed to end the program window~dispose -- dispose of the Window
call syssleep .25
-- if Java was loaded by Rexx, then terminate Java's RexxEngine to inhibit callbacks from Java call BSF.terminateRexxEngine ::REQUIRES BSF.CLS -- get the Java support
--open up a new window and greet the user ::ROUTINE Greetings use arg userData window2 = .awtFrame~new /* create another window */ greet = .awtLabel~new /* create a label */ bye = .awtButton~new('Bye!') /* create a button */
/* add label and button to the window */ window2~~add('North', greet)~~add('South', Bye)
/* now prepare to put something into that window */ Geschlecht = userData~DropDown~getSelectedItem /* get chosen Item */ n1 = userData~Name~getText /* get entered text */ n2 = userData~Nachname~getText /* get entered text */
if Geschlecht = "männlich" then Greet~setText('Lieber Herr' N1 N2) if Geschlecht = "weiblich" then Greet~setText('Liebe Frau' N1 N2) if Geschlecht = "divers" then Greet~setText('GutenTag' N1 N2) window2~~pack~~setVisible(.true)~~toFront
rexxCloseEH=.RexxClosePopupEventHandler~new -- create Rexx event handler -- create a RexxProxy for our Rexx event handler rp=BsfCreateRexxProxy(rexxCloseEH, , "java.awt.event.ActionListener", - "java.awt.event.WindowListener") window2~addWindowListener(rp) bye~addActionListener(rp)
rexxcloseEH~waitForExit -- wait until we are allowed to end the program window2~dispose -- dispose of this window
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Rexx event handler to set "close app" indicator */ ::class RexxCloseAppEventHandler ::method init /* constructor */ expose closeApp closeApp = .false -- if set to .true, then it is safe to close the app
::attribute closeApp -- indicates whether app should be closed
::method unknown -- intercept unhandled events, do nothing
::method actionPerformed -- event method (from ActionListener) expose closeApp closeApp=.true -- indicate that the app should close
::method windowClosing -- event method (from WindowListener) expose closeApp closeApp=.true -- indicate that the app should close
::method waitForExit -- method blocks until attribute is set to .true expose closeApp guard on when closeApp=.true
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Rexx event handler to process tab changes */ ::class RexxOkHandler
::method actionPerformed use arg eventObject, slotDir
reply -- do not block awt-thread, proceed execution on a new thread call Greetings slotDir~userData
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Rexx event handler to set "close app" indicator */ ::class RexxClosePopupEventHandler ::method init /* constructor */ expose closeApp closeApp = .false -- if set to .true, then it is safe to close the app
::attribute closeApp -- indicates whether app should be closed
::method unknown -- intercept unhandled events, do nothing
::method actionPerformed -- event method (from ActionListener) expose closeApp closeApp=.true -- indicate that the app should close
::method windowClosing -- event method (from WindowListener) expose closeApp closeApp=.true -- indicate that the app should close
::method waitForExit -- method blocks until attribute is set to .true expose closeApp guard on when closeApp=.true