command="curl" outArr=.array~new -- array for stdout ADDRESS SYSTEM command WITH OUTPUT USING (outArr) source=outArr~makeString -- turn array into string parse var source '' Datum.1 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.1 ' | ' . '' Datum.2 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.2 ' | ' . '' Datum.3 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.3 ' | ' . '' Datum.4 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.4 ' | ' . '' Datum.5 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.5 ' | ' . '' Datum.6 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.6 ' | ' . '' Datum.7 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.7 ' | ' .- '' Datum.8 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.8 ' | ' . '' Datum.9 '' . 'has-location-left">' Kino.9 ' | ' Filmname.0 = 9 Datum.0 = 9 Kino.0 = 2 excelApplication = .OLEObject~new("Excel.Application") excelApplication~visible = .true Worksheet = excelApplication~Workbooks~Add~Worksheets[1] colTitles = "ABCD" lastLine = 10 xlHAlignLeft = excelApplication~getConstant("xlHAlignLeft") -- get value of "horizontal align right" constant do line = 1 to lastLine do col = 1 to colTitles~length colLetter = colTitles[col] cell = Worksheet~Range(colLetter||line) -- e.g. ~Range("A1") if line = 1 THEN DO cell~font~bold = .true cell~Interior~ColorIndex = 36 cell~style~horizontalAlignment = xlHAlignLeft SELECT WHEN col = 1 THEN Cell~value = "Datum" WHEN col = 2 THEN Cell~value = "Film" WHEN col = 3 THEN Cell~value = "Zeit" WHEN col = 4 THEN Cell~value = "Kino" OTHERWISE Cell~value = "CELL ERR" end end ELSE DO i=line-1 SELECT WHEN col = 1 THEN Cell~value = Date() WHEN col = 2 THEN Cell~value = Strreplace(Filmname.i,'-',' ') WHEN col = 3 THEN Cell~value = Datum.i WHEN col = 4 THEN Cell~value = strreplace(Kino.i,' ',' ') OTHERWISE Cell~value = "CELL ERR" end END end end Worksheet~Columns~AutoFit Worksheet~Range("A2:D10")~Sort(C) Do i=1 TO Filmname.0 SAY "Den Film" pp(Strreplace(Filmname.i,'-',' ')) "spielt es um" Datum.i "Uhr im" strreplace(Kino.i,' ',' ')"." end /*kp: SELECT WHEN ARG(1) = 'Votiv Kino' THEN RETURN "Votivkino" WHEN ARG(1) = 'Kino De France' THEN RETURN "Kino De France" OTHERWISE RETURN "Kinofehler" END*/ pp: RETURN "'"ARG(1)"'" STRREPLACE: ORIGINAL = ARG(1) OLDTXT = ARG(2) NEWTXT = ARG(3) NEWSTR = ORIGINAL DO WHILE POS(OLDTXT,NEWSTR) > 0 NEWSTR = SUBSTR(NEWSTR, 1 , POS(OLDTXT,NEWSTR)-1) ||, NEWTXT || SUBSTR(NEWSTR, POS(OLDTXT,NEWSTR) + LENGTH(OLDTXT)) END RETURN NEWSTR