Hi all!
This is a reminder that *tomorrow at 18.00* there will be a *Systematic literature review Peer Session / Workshop*, where we'll share, refresh and broaden our knowledge on the topic.
ZOOM link: https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/94867895126?pwd=ZTNZa3Z6WUV3L0NRNnlqb0dyOGoxZz09
Meeting ID: 948 6789 5126 Passcode: 119977
If you haven't already, please check the agenda and contribute ideas about topics you'd like to discuss or that you are willing to share your experience with: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mexIZx5tZF6zoJSSjTyw4uoR00J-v-MyVXtVN2Z_...
Hope to see you tomorrow. :)
All best, Mateja